Now showing items 4162-4181 of 8066

    • Lithostratigraphy of the Naros Granite (Komsberg Suite), South Africa and Namibia 

      Thomas, R; Macey, P; Frei, D (Bureau for Scientific Publications, 2021)
      The Naros Granite occurs as a large, northwest-trending ovoid batholith roughly 30 km long and 15 km wide straddling the Orange River border between South Africa and Namibia, 25 km northeast of Onseepkans. It consists ...
    • Litigating socio-economic rights in South Africa: A choice between corrective and distributive justice 

      Mbazira, Christopher (Pretoria University Law Press, 2009)
      Christopher Mbazira's book, adapted from doctoral thesis and published by Pretoria University Law Press, is welcome addition to the growing scholarship on socio-economic rights litigation in South Africa. The book is very ...
    • Litigating socio-economic rights through amicus briefs Challenges and strategies 

      Chenwi, Lilian (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2009)
      The Constitution of South Africa (the Constitution) is characterised by its extensive commitment to socio-economic rights. The courts are mandated to translate these rights into enforceable legal claims, primarily by ...
    • Little Amal 

      Lalu, Premesh (José Frantz, 2020)
      When South Africa celebrated Heritage Day this year, Boschendal Estate in Franschhoek provided an ideal backdrop for the first steps of Little Amal, a three-metre puppet created by the Handspring Puppet Company from South ...
    • A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Education) 

      Samuels, John (University of Free State, 1994-06-18)
    • Little perpetrators, witness-bearers and the young and the brave: towards a post-transitional aesthetics 

      Flockemann, Miki (Taylor & Francis, 2010)
      The aesthetic choices characterizing work produced during the transition to democracy have been well documented. We are currently well into the second decade after the 1994 election - what then of the period referred to ...
    • The live goat ritual in Leviticus 16 

      Adu-Gyamfi, Yaw (Stellenbosch University, 2013)
      The live goat ritual in Leviticus 16 has, for many decades, attracted debate in biblical scholarship. However, the main focus has often been on the identity of Azazel. This article examines some aspects of the live goat ...
    • Lived experiences of a community regarding its involvement in a university community-based education programme 

      Linda, Ntombizodwa S.; Mtshali, Ntombifikile G.; Engelbrecht, Charlotte (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2013)
      BACKGROUND: Community involvement is one of the crucial principles in the implementation of successful community-based education programmes. However, a gap continues to exist between the rhetoric of this principle and the ...
    • Lived experiences of women entrepreneurs in Masvingo city: Successes, failures and survival strategies 

      Nyanga, Takupiwa (University of Western Cape, 2021)
      There has been a significant increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in various sectors of the economy throughout the world. Some women entrepreneurs registered some success stories, while others dismally failed and ...
    • Livelihoods & social differentiation in ‘post-agrarian’ South Africa 

      Neves, David (2017)
      • Legacy: Settler colonialism & migrant labour • Industrialization & proletarianisation • Dichotomous agrarian landscape • Rural poverty, esp. former homelands • Longstanding deagrarianisation
    • Livelihoods after land reform 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2010)
      In 1990, Namibia emerged from colonial rule with a skewed distribution of agricultural land and high levels of poverty. The new government led by SWAPO Party initiated a process to address the land question within the ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform in South Africa 

      Aliber, Michael; Cousins, Ben (Wiley, 2013)
      Over the past few decades, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa have pursued redistributive land reform as a means to address rural poverty. The Livelihoods after Land Reform (LaLR) study was carried out between 2007 and ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform: Namibia country report (2010) 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, 2010)
    • Livelihoods after land reform: Namibia country report (2010) Section B 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, 2010)
      The first AALS farmers in Hardap obtained their land in 1992, and the most recent in 2003. In Omaheke, the first AALS farmer obtained his farm in 1992 and the most recent, a woman, in 2000. Thus in both regions the oldest ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform: The impacts of land reform on livelihoods in Namibia: Section B 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2010)
      The first AALS farmers in Hardap obtained their land in 1992, and the most recent in 2003. In Omaheke, the first AALS farmer obtained his farm in 1992 and the most recent, a woman, in 2000. Thus in both regions the oldest ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform: The South African case 

      Aliber, Michael; Maluleke, T; Manenzhe, T; Paradza, Gaynor; Cousins, Ben (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2012)
      SA’s land reform regarded as a failure – economic objectives – the spectre of ‘failed projects’ – changing the racial pattern of land ownership – too slow • No consensus as to why, or what to do • Even so, ambitious ...
    • Livelihoods and sharing: Trends in a Lesotho village, 1976–2004 

      Turner, Stephen D. (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2005)
      In 2004 I was fortunate enough to be able to return to Ha Tumahole, the village in Lesotho where I undertook research on farming and livelihoods in 1976–77, and spend four weeks learning about what had changed in ...
    • Livelihoods and sharing: Trends in a Lesotho village, 1976–2004 

      Turner, Stephen (PLAAS, University of the Western Cape & Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc. (CARE), 2005-10)
      The study compares the livelihoods and inter-household sharing mechanisms in a Lesotho village across a 28 year period. The report examines the complex socio-economic structures and systems that are in place in the rural ...
    • Livestock and the rangeland commons in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform 

      Hall, Ruth; Cousins, Ben (NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis, 2013)
      Land and agrarian reform has the potential to expand South Africa’s rangeland commons and enhance their contribution to the livelihoods of the rural poor, yet to a large extent this has been an opportunity missed. ...
    • Livestock production 

      Alcock, Rauri; Geraci, Marisia (GTAC, 2020-03-31)
      This paper is a thematic study for livestock production by smallholders and small-scale black commercial farmers in South Africa. Its aim is to identify the potential for successful expansion of the number of such farmers ...