Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • National Prosecuting Authority Performance 

      Africa Criminal Justice Reform (Dullah Omar Institute, 2018)
      The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa (NPA) was created by legislation which came into effect in August 1998, and became a stand-alone entity in 2002/3, whereas previously it was more closely embedded in the ...
    • Smallholder views on Chinese agricultural investments in Mozambique and Tanzania in the context of VGGTS 

      Pointer, Rebecca; Sulle, Emmanuel; Ntauazi, Clemente (MDPI, 2023)
      Based on a case study in each country, this study documents the views of Mozambican and Tanzanian smallholders regarding Chinese agricultural investments and the extent to which investors abide by their legitimate land ...
    • Zimbabwe’s contested large-scale land-based investment: The chisumbanje ethanol project 

      Matondi, Prosper B; Nhlizivo, Clemence T. (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2015)
      Zimbabwe’s fast-track land reform from 2000 onward yielded significant land transfers, but led the country to face debilitating production challenges and lack of investment in agriculture. Since then, Zimbabwe has not ...