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dc.contributor.authorMarsha, Orgill
dc.contributor.authorNonhlanhla, Nxumalo
dc.contributor.authorWoldekidan K., Amde
dc.contributor.authorUta, Lehmann
dc.contributor.authorJane, Goudge
dc.contributor.authorLucy, Gilson
dc.contributor.authorErasmus, Ermin
dc.identifier.citationOrgill, M. et al. (2013). Health policy and systems research: needs, challenges and opportunities in South Africa - a university perspective. South African Health Review, 151-160en_US
dc.description.abstractThe last two decades have seen growing international recognition of the need to strengthen health systems in order to deliver already available, cost-effective health interventions. This chapter describes the parallel global growth of the field of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) and outlines what this field of research is and what it is not. The chapter also clarifies how HPSR can contribute to strengthening health systems. The particular relevance of HPSR in SA is discussed, given the range of health system transformation initiatives in place. Drawing both on an HPSR capacity assessment conducted in three universities and discussions with a wider group of researchers and health system managers, the chapter also considers the existing assets for and challenges facing the development of the field in South Africa. It closes with suggested strategies and priorities for developing and building capacity in this field nationally.en_US
dc.publisherHealth systems trusten_US
dc.rightsHealth Systems Trust (HST) provides free electronic access to health systems ... section may contain copyrighted © material the use of which has not always been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human ...
dc.subjectHealth policyen_US
dc.subjectSystem researchen_US
dc.subjectCapacity needsen_US
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_US
dc.titleHealth policy and systems research: needs, challenges and opportunities in South Africa – a university perspectiveen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.description.accreditationWeb of Scienceen_US

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