Now showing items 151-170 of 355

    • Lasers in paediatric dentistry 

      Mulder, Riaan; Karic, Vesna; Melman, Geoffrey (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      Many clinicians will be faced with the un-cooperative paediatric patient presenting at their practices with a “fear of the unknown”. Establishing trust with these patients is essential in order to achieve a productive ...
    • Lasers in periodontics 

      Melman, Geoffrey; Karic, Vesna; Mulder, Riaan (Electronic Doctor (E-Doc) Publishers & SADA, 2017)
      Ablation has been described as the expansive vaporisation of tissue. In periodontal procedures the ablation capacity of the laser can be used for excision and incision of pathology. The Erbium doped lasers can be used ...
    • Learning experiences of oral hygiene students in the clinical environment 

      Gordon, Natalie Ann (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2013)
      To determine how students used daily and term-based clinical assessment tools, students’ experience of clinical teaching and clinical assessment. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The study population ...
    • Letter about dental decay, obesity shows that sugar industry is not to be trusted 

      Naidoo, Sudeshni; Sheiham, Aubrey (South African Dental Association, 2014)
      The South African Sugar Association (SASA) tries to trash our scientific arguments about the association of sugars with dental decay, obesity and diabetes ( "Sugar leaves a bitter taste" Cape Times August 18th) in their ...
    • Local anaesthetics in dentistry - Part 2: Choice of local anaesthetic agent 

      Moodley, Desi (SADA, 2017)
      Currently, in general dentistry the most commonly used local anaesthetic agents are 2% lignocaine (Xylotox, Adcock Ingram; Xylesthesin, 3M) with 1:80000 adrenaline content, 3% mepivicaine (Carbocaine) without a ...
    • Local anaesthetics in dentistry - Part 3: Vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetics 

      Moodley, Desi (SADA, 2017)
      Vasoconstrictors like adrenaline in local anaesthetics are associated with more drug interactions than any other drug in Dentistry1 with an incidence of adverse reactions ranging from 2.5%-11%.2 Therefore, understanding ...
    • Local anaesthetics in dentistry: A series 

      Moodley, Desi (SADA, 2017)
      Failure in local anaesthesia in dentistry is not uncommon with failure rates ranging approximately between 15% and 30%, especially for the inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB). In fact of all the nerve blocks which may ...
    • Making the most of teaching at the chairside 

      McMillan, Wendy (Wiley, 2011)
      This paper examines the chairside as an opportunity for teaching and learning. It sets out to understand how students learn in the dental clinic so that they can better be supported in their clinical learning. The paper ...
    • Management of necrotic pulp of immature permanent incisor tooth: A regenerative endodontic treatment protocol: case report 

      Moodley, Desigar S.; Peck, Craig; Moodley, Tashia; Patel, Naren (SADA, 2017)
      It is possible that a paradigm shift may be in the offing in the approach to treatment of immature teeth with necrotic pulp, away from traditional apexification procedures and to a biologically-based endodontic protocol ...
    • Management of necrotic pulp of immature permanent incisor tooth: A regenerative endodontic treatment protocol: case report 

      Moodley, Desi; Patel, Naren; Peck, Craig; Moodley, Tashia (South African Dental Association, 2017)
      It is possible that a paradigm shift may be in the offing in the approach to treatment of immature teeth with necrotic pulp, away from traditional apexification procedures and to a biologically-based endodontic protocol ...
    • Managing stress in the dental environment 

      Naidoo, Sudeshni (South African Dental Association, 2015)
      Stress is defined as "an imbalance between a perceived demand (stressor) and a person's perceived ability to cope with, or to meet, that demand". It is well known that dentists are subject to a variety of stress-related ...
    • Managing vertical dimensions in patients with Amelogenesis Imperfecta: A case report 

      Farao, Warren; Roomaney, Imaan A. (Wiley Open Access, 2022)
      Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of conditions character-ized by inherited developmental defects of enamel. Patients with AI often have progressive and severe loss of occlusal vertical ...
    • Mapping an appropriate health promotion approach for crèches in an informal settlement 

      Brijlal, Priscilla; Gordon, Natalie (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2005)
      People living in informal settlements in South Africa experience the double burden of poverty and ill health. Wallacedene, an informal settlement was highlighted in the media as being a socially and otherwise deprived ...
    • Mapping oral cancer research in South Africa 

      Botha, Paul. J; Pontes, Carla Cruvinel; Schoonees, Anel (South African Dental Association, 2018)
      The aim of the present study was to review the scope of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) research in South Africa, including its epidemiology, diagnosis, associated risk factors and management. All publications relating ...
    • Maternal and infant risk factors and risk indicators associated with early childhood caries in South Africa: A systematic review 

      Kimmie‑Dhansay, Faheema; Barrie, Robert; Roberts, Tina (BMC, 2022)
      To evaluate the risk factors and risk indicators associated with early childhood caries in South Africa. A systematic review of aetiology was performed. From 1366 papers found, 23 studies met the eligibility criteria and ...
    • Maternal and infant risk factors and risk indicators associated with early childhood caries in South Africa: A systematic review 

      Kimmie‑Dhansay, Faheema (BMC Oral Health, 2022)
      Objectives To evaluate the risk factors and risk indicators associated with early childhood caries in South Africa. Design A systematic review of aetiology was performed. From 1366 papers found, 23 studies met the ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 107 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association (SADA), 2013)
      Carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the oral cavity. The neoplasm may affect any part of the jaws. Invasion of the jawbones by continuity is a frequent occurrence in carcinomas originating on the alveolar ridge and ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 108 

      Nortje, Christoffel (E DOC CC, 2013)
      This 8-year-old female came to her paediatrician with an 18-day history of facial swelling. A biopsy was performed at that time, and was interpreted as indicating Burkitt's lymphoma. Findings from blood studies and chest ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 109 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2013)
      This nine-year-old Caucasian boy presented at the Dental Faculty with a history of a slow-growing swelling of the mandible in the 43-45 region. The time of onset was unknown. On examination, the lesion was about 3 cm in ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 110 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2013)
      This eight-year-old child presented at the faculty with the main complaint of a swelling that has been increasing in size over the last nine months. He also mentioned that his lower right first molar tooth has not erupted. ...