Now showing items 671-690 of 1122

    • Namibian foreign exchange market: The degree of sterilisation 

      Sheefeni, Johannes Peyavali Sheefeni (Asian Online Journals, 2013)
      This paper examines the size of the degree of sterilization in Namibia. The study uses the ordinary least squares method to estimate the regression based on monthly data covering the period 2000:01 to 2013:03. The variables, ...
    • Narratives of scarcity: Framing the global land rush 

      Scoones, Ian; Smalley, Rebecca; Hall, Ruth; Tsikata, Dzodzi (Elsevier, 2019)
      Global resource scarcity has become a central policy concern, with predictions of rising populations, natural resource depletion and hunger. The narratives of scarcity that arise as a result justify actions to harness ...
    • Narratives of scarcity: Framing the global land rush 

      Scoones, Ian; Smalley, Rebecca; Hall, Ruth (Elsevier, 2019)
      Global resource scarcity has become a central policy concern, with predictions of rising populations, naturalresource depletion and hunger. The narratives of scarcity that arise as a result justify actions to harness ...
    • Nasruddin's key: poverty measurement and the government of marginal populations 

      du Toit, Andries (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape., 2011)
      This paper considers the role of ‘measurement’ and other forms of poverty knowledge in a context where the nature and direction of global economic growth is creating ‘surplus populations’ suffering various forms of ...
    • Nasruddin’s key: Poverty measurement and the government of marginal populations 

      du Toit, Andries (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2011)
      This paper considers the role of ‘measurement’ and other forms of poverty knowledge in a context where the nature and direction of global economic growth is creating ‘surplus populations’ suffering various forms of ...
    • National and provincial government spending on agriculture 

      PLAAS (PLAAS, 2010-12)
      By the end of 2010, the new policy direction for land reform has not been clear. The minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Gugile Nkwinti, announced that a Green Paper on Rural Development and Agrarian Transformation, ...
    • Nationalism without a nation: The rise and fall of Zulu nationalism in South Africa's transition to democracy, 1975-99 

      Piper, Laurence (WILEY, 2003)
      During South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy the most virulent opposition to change came from Zulu nationalism. Post‐apartheid, however, Zulu nationalism has largely waned. This is because Zulu nationalism ...
    • Natural resource management and land reform in southern Africa 

      Manjengwa, Jeanette (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2006)
      Throughout southern Africa, land holdings have remained significantly skewed between rich and poor, with discriminatory land tenure systems reflecting the land and agricultural policies adopted in colonial times and after ...
    • The need for a new language? How historically disadvantaged institutions grapple with the effects of labelling in Higher Education: the case of the University of the Western Cape 

      Africa, Cherrel; Mutizwa-Mangiza, Shingai (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
      Tertiary institutions in South Africa have been dichotomised through the colonial structure and apartheid which sought to subjugate some institutions and elevate others. Not only have historically disadvantaged institutions ...
    • Nepad, land and resource rights 

      Saruchera, Munyaradzi; Omoweh, Daniel A (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2004)
      The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad) is an overarching programme for revitalising Africa’s fortunes. It has a visionary tone, yet the way that it proposes to overcome Africa’s underdevelopment uncritically ...
    • The New Alliance on food security and nutrition: What are the implications for Africa’s youth? 

      Hakizimana, Cyriaque (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2016)
      The ‘New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition’ (hereafter the ‘New Alliance’) is a partnership which was established between selected African countries, G8 members, and the private sector to ‘work together to accelerate ...
    • The New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition: What are the Implications for Africa’s Youth? 

      Hakizimana, Cyriaque (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2016)
      The ‘New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition’ (hereafter the ‘New Alliance’) is a partnership which was established between selected African countries, G8 members, and the private sector to ‘work together to accelerate ...
    • The new alliance on food security and nutrition: what are the implications for Africa’s youth? 

      Hakizimana, Cyriaque (Future Agricultures Consortium, 2016)
      Young people are a growing proportion of Africa’s population and most live in poverty in rural areas. Despite urbanisation, in absolute numbers the rural youth are growing and agricultural development needs to prioritise ...
    • The next great trek? South African commercial farmers move north 

      Hall, Ruth (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2011)
      This paper analyses the shifting role of South African farmers, agribusiness and capital elsewhere in southern Africa and the rest of the continent. It explores recent expansion trends, investigates the interests and agendas ...
    • The next great Trek? South African commercial farmers move north 

      Hall, Ruth (Taylor and Francis Group, 2012)
      This paper analyses the shifting role of South African farmers, agribusiness andcapital elsewhere in the Southern African region and the rest of the continent. Itexplores recent trends in this expansion, and investigates ...
    • Non-alignment in the current world order. The impact of the rise of China 

      Pretorius, Joelien (Institute for Strategic Studies at the University of Pretoria, 2008)
      The relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement has been in question since the end of Cold War bipolarity. In the post-Cold War order, whether interpreted as cosmopolitan, unipolar, multipolar or globalised in nature, there are ...
    • Non-racialism and the African National Congress: views from the branch 

      Anciano, Fiona. (Taylor & Francis group, 2014)
      South Africa’s ruling party is well known as an organisation that supports the ideal of non-racialism. However, the extent to which the African National Congress (ANC) has defined and instrumentalised the concept of ...
    • Nonlinearities in stock return prediction: A Blended Approach 

      Hodnett, Kathleen; Hsieh, Heng-Hsing; Van Rensberg, Paul (The Clute Institute, 2013)
      Our prior research indicates that there are periods within which nonlinear stock selection models outperform their linear counterparts in the South African equity market. In order to explore the nonlinearities in stock ...
    • Not enough state land to meet land reform targets 

      Kleinbooi, Karin; Dubb, Alex (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2013)
      Arguments that state land should be used to meet land redistribution targets are misleading. Very little state land is suitable for this purpose. Official data from 2002 show that only 2% of the total of 12.6 million ha ...
    • Not waiting for Jackie O: lessons for public participation advocacy in South Africa 

      Piper, Laurence (Unisa Press, 2011)
      This article explores the significance of an important event, namely, the Pioneers of Participation workshop held in November 2009 in Cape Town, for public participation advocacy in South Africa. By tracing the shifting ...