Now showing items 202-221 of 366

    • Multilevel government, municipalities and food security 

      de Visser, Jaap (DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security, South Africa, 2019)
      Realising the right to food in South Africa requires more than an increase in food production. Increasing access to food is equally important, so this contribution adopts a 'food systems approach'. It argues that food ...
    • Municipalities' readiness to comply with treasury's competency requirements 

      Ntliziywana, Phindile (Local Government Bulletin, 2012-06)
      In just under six months, the competency framework in the National Treasury's Minimum Competency Regulations will take full effect. Therefore, the article seeks to urge the National Treasury to be robust in implementing ...
    • National cohesion and intergovernmental relations in South Africa 

      Steytler, Nico (JUTA, 2016)
      The creation of provinces in 1994 gave effect to the grand compromise of the 1993 negotiations, but also raised fears about the deleterious consequences they could hold for national cohesion. A first concern was that ...
    • National Colloquium on Access to Food for Students in South African Tertiary Institutions: Challenges of Hunger among Students in Higher Education in South Africa (13–14 August 2018) 

      Adeniyi, Oluwafunmilola; Nthoiwa, Jacob; Mirugi-Mukundi, Gladys (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2018)
      Student hunger on university campuses has gained prominence ever since the #FeesMustFall movement spread across South Africa’s tertiary institutions in 2015. Although there are no definite statistics on the extent of the ...
    • National Prosecuting Authority Performance 

      Africa Criminal Justice Reform (Dullah Omar Institute, 2018)
      The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa (NPA) was created by legislation which came into effect in August 1998, and became a stand-alone entity in 2002/3, whereas previously it was more closely embedded in the ...
    • National strategies for realising the right to food 

      Chenwi, Lilian (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2008)
      The right to food has received increasing attention internationally and nationally following drastic increases in food prices and widespread protests against these increases in more than 40 countries this year (FIAN ...
    • Needs, rights and transformation: adjudicating social rights 

      Sandra, Liebenberg (Stellenbosch Law Review, 2006)
      One of the most contested issues in South Africa’s burgeoning jurisprudence on social rights relates to how the courts should enforce the duties imposed by these rights. Debate has focused in particular on the extent to ...
    • New leaders, persistent challenges...What lies in store for local government? 

      de Visser, Jaap (Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, 2009)
      The outcome of the elections of 22 April is critical for local government. The success of ‘developmental local government’ depends to a large extent on the choices the incoming national and provincial governments make ...
    • The New Partnership for Africa's Development : implications for the realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa 

      Mbazira, Christopher (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2004)
      The New Partnership for Africa's Development : Implications for the realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa Christopher Mbazira The realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa remains a distant goal. The majority ...
    • NICRO diversion options 

      Lukas, Muntingh (National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of Offenders, 2000)
      Since 1994 South Africa has faced many challenges but none so widely experienced as crime. The day-to-day perceptions of living in South Africa are characterised by crime, violence and uncertainty. The criminal justice ...
    • Non-discrimination in socio-economic rights : CESCR general comment 

      Chenwi, Lilian (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2009)
      In May 2009, the United Nations (UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) adopted General Comment 20 (UN doc. E/C.12/GC/20[2009]) on non-discrimination in economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights.
    • Non-implementation of court orders in socioeconomic rights litigation in South Africa Is the cancer here to stay? 

      Mbazira, Christopher (2008)
      Over 12 years have elapsed since the South African Constitution was adopted, and the jurisprudence on socio-economic rights has increased considerably. Yet a majority of the population remain entrapped in poverty.
    • NPA Accountability, trust and public interest 

      Africa Criminal Justice Reform, Lukas (Dullah Omar Institute, 2019)
      This discussion document deals with three key concepts associated with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and its relation to the public, namely accountability, public interest and trust. It is presented that for the ...
    • The numbering of days: Sentencing and prison population growth 

      Muntingh, Lukas; Giffard, Chris (Institute for Security Studies (ISS), 2007)
      On 30 May 2007 the Criminal Law Amendment Bill (15 of 2007) was tabled in Parliament, proposing amendments to what has become known as the 'minimum sentences' legislation. The proposed amendments herald another chapter in ...
    • Offender rehabilitation and reintegration: taking the White Paper on Corrections forward 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, 2005)
      Rehabilitation and reintegration, as contemplated on the scale articulated in the White Paper, will indeed require a very careful approach and consideration would have to be given to the major challenges, such as resource ...
    • Old age pension decision : out of sync with legal developments 

      Chenwi, Lilian; Heleba, Siyambonga (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2010)
      On 17 March 2010, the North Gauteng High Court finally handed down judgment in the Christian Roberts case, which the Court had heard on 11 and 12 September 2007. It concerns a constitutional challenge to section 10 of the ...
    • The optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 

      Chenwi, Lilian (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2008)
      After the fourth session of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), a revised draft of the protocol was produced (UN doc ...
    • Overseeing the overseers: assessing compliance with municipal intervention rules in South Africa 

      de Visser, Jaap; November, Jerome (Springer, 2017)
      Section 139 of the Constitution of South Africa empowers provinces to intervene into municipalities, an instrument to correct serious failures in local government. This article discusses the policy and legal framework for ...
    • An overview of the Constitutional Court hearing of the inner-city evictions case 

      Mbazira, Christopher (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2007)
      On 28 August 2007, the Constitutional Court heard an appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in the Rand Properties case. This case concerns the eviction of poor people from dilapidated buildings ...
    • Parallel Policies: Policies relevant to child safety 

      Redpath, Jean (Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention, 2007)
      The Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention’s 2005 National Youth Victimisation Study indicated the need to explore existing policy impacting on children from a social crime prevention perspective within a rights-based ...