Browsing by Title
Now showing items 3775-3794 of 8038
Intimate partner violence amongst undergraduate nursing students
(Unisa press, 2014)Intimate partner violence (IPV) is reported to be rife among the student population at tertiary institutions and the general population. Yet the abuse is under diagnosed by nurses in health care settings. Research ... -
Intimate partner violence and HIV sexual risk behaviour among women who inject drugs in Indonesia: a respondent‑driven sampling study Claudia Stoicescu,
(Springer, 2018)Women who inject drugs are disproportionately affected by HIV and intimate partner violence (IPV); however, the link between IPV and HIV remains under-researched among substance-using women in low- and middle-income ... -
Intimate partner violence and its association with self-determination needs and gender-power constructs among rural South African women
(SAGE Publications, 2019)This study aimed to identify psychosocial correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) by using constructs derived from the self-determination theory (SDT) and gender-power scales. Cross-sectional data (N = 238) were ... -
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy in Zimbabwe: across-sectional study of prevalence, predictors and associations with HIV
(Public Library of Science, 2013)objective To describe the occurrence, dynamics and predictors of intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy, including links with HIV, in urban Zimbabwe. methods A cross-sectional survey of 2042 post-natal women ... -
Intimate partner violence, forced first sex and adverse pregnancy outcomes in a sample of Zimbabwean women accessing maternal and child health care
(BioMed Central, 2018)BACKGROUND: Intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a serious problem with a wide range of health consequences including poor maternal and newborn health outcomes. We assessed the relationship between IPV, forced first ... -
Intra-party cohesion in Zimbabwe’s ruling party after Robert Mugabe
(Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2023)Some mainstream political scientists apply the trilogy of exit, voice and loyalty in studying intra-party cohesion. This approach applies more neatly in liberal than in repressive contexts. I therefore make three modifications ... -
Intrinsic scatter of caustic masses and hydrostatic bias: An observational study
(EDP Sciences, 2017)All estimates of cluster mass have some intrinsic scatter and perhaps some bias with true mass even in the absence of measurement errors for example caused by cluster triaxiality and large scale structure. Knowledge of ... -
Introducing dental students to e-learning at a South African University
(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2012)This article serves to report on the introduction of an innovative ‘blended learning’ approach in the Paediatric Dentistry Department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town, South Africa. This intervention ... -
Introducing e-learning in a South African Higher Education institution: challenges arising from an intervention and possible responses
(Blackwell, 2013)This article draws on research conducted at a tertiary institution in South Africa as part of the redesigning of an English for Educational Development (EED) course to include an e-learning online discussion component. ... -
Introducing physical education into schools: the view of teachers and learners
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)INTRODUCTION: A number of initiatives were launched in various countries worldwide to provide quality physical education in schools. However, the promotion of participation in sport and specifically elite sport is ... -
Introducing physical education into schools: The view of teachers and learners
(Faculty of Community and Health Sciences, University of the Western Cape, 2008)A number of initiatives were launched in various countries worldwide to provide quality physical education in schools. However, the promotion of participation in sport and specifically elite sport is still regarded to be ... -
Introduction and decolonial pedagogies, multilingualism and literacies
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)This Special Issue of Multilingual Margins brings together a number of creative, reflective and academic writings and artefacts that emerged from a new interinstitutional postgraduate module, Re-imagining Multilingualisms, ... -
Introduction to dental lasers
(South African Dental Association, 2016)It was Albert Einstein who in 1917 defined the theory of the Stimulated Emission of Radiation, developing and expanding on the work of Niels Bohr, who in 1913 had formulated the Spontaneous Emission theory. Einstein ... -
Introduction to urban food security in the Global South
(Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2022)This volume addresses the connections between three transformative processes in the Global South. First, the South is undergoing a rapid urban transition fueled by natural population increase and migration. Second, the ... -
Introduction: Agrarian change, rural poverty and land reform in South Africa since 1994
(Blackwell Publishing, 2013)This introduction sketches the context and dynamics of agrarian change, rural poverty and land reform since the end of apartheid in 1994, drawing attention to structural continuities and new elements in the countrysides ... -
Introduction: COVID-19 and the Law in Africa
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)Following its arrival in African countries in February 2020, COVID-19 has severely tested fragile health systems and economies. Since then, it has taken a heavy toll on individual lives and collective wellbeing. In ... -
Introduction: How federations combat Covid-19
(Routledge, 2021)On 31 December 2019, the first cases of the coronavirus, Covid-19, were identified in Wuhan City, China. Its dramatic rate of transmission and deadly effects soon led to the city’s shutdown, but not before it took wing ... -
Introduction: reconsidering the region in India: mobilities, actors and development politics
(SAGE Publications, 2017)In this introduction to a special issue on ‘Reconsidering the Region in India’, we aim to develop a synthetic and theoretically nuanced account of the multifarious ways in which the idea of region has been imbricated in ... -
Introduction: Reinscribing Nuruddin Farah in African literature
(Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Association, 2020)The commissioning of a theme issue on the work of Farah in a South African literary journal therefore is noteworthy both in African continental and world literature contexts. Commemorating Farah’s career in Tydskrif vir ... -
Introduction: The Crucial Role of Mediators in Relations between States and Citizens
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)This book sets out to answer a deceptively simple question: how do citizens and state engage in the global south? The answer is not simple; it is indeed complex and multifaceted, but we argue that much of the time this ...