Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Piloting of a service-learning pedagogical model: student perceptions of the gender based violence service-learning module at a school of nursing in the Western Cape
(African Association for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 2015)
Research indicates that most higher education institutions in South Africa fail to establish a standard practice for service-learning (SL) in the formalised systems of their respective academic programmes. An intervention ...
The development of an implementation framework for service learning during the undergraduate nursing programme in the Western Cape Province
(AOSIS Publishing, 2015)
BACKGROUND: Service-learning (SL) is a contested field of knowledge and issues of sustainability and scholarship have been raised about it. The South African Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) has provided policy ...
The academic transitional experiences of masters’ students at the University of the Western Cape
(AOSIS OpenJournals, 2012)
Transition has been a major focus of educational institutions. However, most of the research into student transition focuses on the challenges related the transition from high school to university. Not much emphasis has ...
Pursuing a corporate understanding of service-learning in nursing education: a case study
(Unisa press, 2014)
A corporate definition of service-learning (SL) could help to mainstream SL in higher
education institutions (HEIs). Concepts like ‘service-learning’, ‘community engagement’ and ‘community service’ tend to be used ...
Evaluating blogging as a reflective strategy in a service-learning module for undergraduate nursing students
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2014)
Literature suggests that blogging has the potential to be a transformational technology for teaching and learning. It is claimed that blogging is a useful practice for development of higher-order learning skills, active, ...
Critical success factors for institutionalising service-learning in a nursing programme at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa
(AOSIS OpenJournals, 2014)
Scholars in the fields of community engagement contend that the service-learning (SL) policy implementation in higher education is more likely to be successful when there is a strong institutional commitment and the policy ...
Cracking the nut of service learning in nursing at a Higher Education Institution
(AOSIS Publishing, 2015)
BACKGROUND: The readiness of academics to engage in the service-learning (SL)
institutionalisation process is not accentuated in research on SL institutionalisation in
South Africa. The argument has been advanced that ...