Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Being and becoming a university teacher
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)
This study examined how one academic framed the enablements and constraints to her project of being and becoming an academic. Complexity facilitated reflection in that it provided a visual representation of data, which was ...
Editorial: The ethics of care and academic development
(South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018)
Higher education institutions have commonly understood ethics and care as separate functions, rather than as an integrated practice, and have tended to delegate these responsibilities to research ethics committees, ...
Eliciting student feedback for course development: the application of a qualitative course evaluation tool among business research students
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Student evaluations of teaching and learning are playing an increasingly important role in the delivery of high-quality, student-centred education. Insights into student perceptions of their learning experience provide ...
Students’ narratives on gender and sexuality in the project of social justice and belonging in higher education
(Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, 2018)
Student protests in South Africa over the last few years have re-energized the project of social justice in higher education. While emphasis has been on decolonizing the curriculum and the university spaces, there has also ...
Technology enhanced teaching and learning in South African higher education – A rearview of a 20 year journey
(Wiley, 2016)
In the last 20 years, the South African higher education has changed significantly, influenced by global trends national development goals and pressure from local educational imperatives, in the context of a digitally ...
The potential of authentic learning and emerging technologies for developing graduate attributes
(Unisa Press, 2014)
Graduate attributes, such as critical thinking and problem-solving in real-world
contexts, are increasingly being recognised as crucial for students to develop in higher
education for employability and critical citizenship. ...
Reflections on clinical practice whilst developing a portfolio of evidence: Perceptions of undergraduate nursing students at a university in the Western Cape, South Africa
(AOSIS Open Journals, 2015)
BACKGROUND: In order to develop clinical judgement, nurses should be encouraged to become analytical and critical thinkers. Development of a portfolio of evidence (PoE) of reflection on clinical experiences is one of the ...
Lecturers’ perceptions: the value of assessment rubrics for informing teaching practice and curriculum review and development
(Taylor and Francis, 2015)
The assessment rubric is increasingly gaining recognition as a valuable tool in teaching and learning in higher education. While many studies have examined the value of rubrics for students, research into the lecturers’ ...
Authentic learning for teaching reading: Foundation phase pre-service student teachers’ learning experiences of creating and using digital stories in real classrooms
(AOSIS, 2016)
Teaching and learning, an evolving endeavour, is associated with many factors, with
advancements in technology, playing an ever-growing role in the classroom. It is therefore
important to include the use of interactive ...
Analysing the professional development of teaching and learning from a political ethics of care perspective
(Routledge, 2014)
This paper uses Tronto’s political ethics of care as a normative framework to evaluate
a model of teaching and learning professional development. This framework identifies
five integrated moral elements of care – ...