

Volume 106, November 2020, 102858

Understanding urban land, politics, and planning: A critical appraisal of Kampala's urban sprawl

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102858Get rights and content
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This paper seeks to make a contribution to contemporary urban land insights and political debates in relation to planning in the Ugandan capital, Kampala. It also evaluates how the city authorities engage with communities on land and related urban issues. Scholars have generally ignored the important aspect of community engagement regarding planning in Kampala. Moreover, political power relations seem to influence if not determine social conditions at the grassroots level. In this paper urban land is defined from competing perspectives vis-à-vis lived experiences at the grassroots level. This paper seeks to understand the urban land question through the lens of Henri Lefebvre's writings on the production of space and the right to the city. Questions this study seeks to answer include: Why is politics at the centre of land in Kampala? How is community engagement on land and planning understood by city government? After exploratory research and a review of extant literature, this study utilised an interview guide to collect primary empirical data.


Urban land
Community engagement
Henri Lefebvre
Planning and land policy

Fred Bidandi is a researcher interested in Refugee studies, Urban & public policy, urban planning, migration, housing, child and family studies, political violence and higher education. He holds a PhD in Public Administration, MPA, B. AD HONS & Dip in Marketing. He is currently research fellow at the Child & Family studies University of the Western Cape.

John J Williams is a professor of Governance & Development Planning at the University of the Western Cape and has the following academic credentials: PhD (Perfect Grade Point Average: straight A's in all Doctoral courses), M.U.P. [Illinois, USA]; H.E.D. (Cum Laude), M.A (UCT supervised), B.A.HONS., B.A; Life member of the Allumni Association, University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign, USA. His Doctor of Philosophy [PhD) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, is based on Tran disciplinary Research: Urban and Regional Planning, Geography, Philosophy, Educational Policy Analysis, Political Studies, Sociology].