Now showing items 1-10 of 63
The disjunctures of land and agricultural reform in South Africa: Implications for the agri-food system
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2013-08)
Land reform was introduced in South Africa in the 1990s to redress the injustices of colonialism
and apartheid. But compromises in the transition to democracy saw a trade-off between political
participation on one side ...
Corporate power in the agrofood system and South Africa’s consumer food environment
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2016-05)
This report maps the extent of corporate power in the South African agro-food system using a value chain
approach. It identifies major corporate actors in the various nodes of the agro-food system as of 2014.
Some nodes ...
Foreign investments and livelihoods in northern Zambia
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2018-12)
This study employs a wider livelihoods approach to challenge some insular neo-classical economic narratives on the nature, process and impact of large-scale land acquisitions on smallholder farmers living on Africa’s ...
Changes in South Africa’s global agricultural trade regime, 1996–2013
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2014-10)
This paper presents an examination of the major trends in South African international trade in
agricultural products between the years 1996 and 2013. The analysis covers three broad areas: (1)
the changing weight of key ...
The changing nature of large-scale commercial farming & implications for agrarian reform: Evidence from Limpopo, Western Cape and Northern Cape
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2012-12)
The privileged position of white commercial farmers in South Africa came to an end by the early 1990s,
when political and policy changes removed the certainty provided by controlled marketing, protective
tariffs and weak ...
Social reproduction, accumulation and class differentiation: Small-scale sugarcane growers in Mtubatuba, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2012-12)
This paper argues that the rise and decline of small-scale sugarcane grower (SSG) production in
KwaZulu-Natal must be historically located within a changing structural relationship with
miller-processors, in turn conditioned ...
Differentiation and development: The case of the Xolobeni community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
(PLAAS, 2019-11-15)
Most agrarian scholars argue that long historic processes of colonialism, capitalist development and implementation of neo-liberal structural policies in Sub-Saharan Africa have resulted in deagrarianisation and its sub-genre ...
Commercialisation, deagrarianisation and the accumulation/reproduction dynamic: Massive maize production schemes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2012-12)
The post-apartheid era has seen the South African government trying to reverse ‘deagrarianisation’
in the former homelands by introducing ‘modern’ farming techniques and agribusiness
principles. This paper situates the ...
The next great trek? South African commercial farmers move north
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2011)
This paper analyses the shifting role of South African farmers, agribusiness and capital elsewhere in southern Africa and the rest of the continent. It explores recent expansion trends, investigates the interests and agendas ...
The trouble with poverty: Reflections on South Africa’s post-apartheid anti-poverty consensus
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2012-09)
This paper considers the state of poverty discourse in South Africa since 1994: the ideological frameworks,
narratives and assumptions that have shaped the construction of poverty as an object of academic
knowledge, ...