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dc.contributor.authorJonker, Francois
dc.identifier.citationJonker, F., 2023. Choreographic Cartographies with-in Learning: Towards response-ability in Higher Education Pedagogy. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South, 7(1), pp.101-128.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this article, I seek to engage the liberatory impetus of critical pedagogies through an attentiveness to body-space-time so as to enrich the former with the notion of response-ability. Several learning activities are engaged within the context of a foundation year classroom of an Art School, to open up conceptions of the experiential nature of learning events and the ethico-onto-epistemological questions that emerge when foregrounding response-ability as a condition for learning-becoming. I have particular interest in notions of subjectivity, agency and affect, questioning how a new materialist reading of these concepts might serve to challenge representationalist conceptions of higher learning. I commence with a proposition: engage learning as an experience — through the processual potentialities of its in-act and prompt myself by drawing attention to the performativity of body-space-time cartographies and choreographies.en_US
dc.publisherScholarship of Teaching and Learning in the Southen_US
dc.subjectArts-based pedagogiesen_US
dc.subjectCritical Pedagogiesen_US
dc.subjectHigher educationen_US
dc.subjectChoreographic Cartographiesen_US
dc.titleChoreographic cartographies with-in learning: towards response-ability in higher education pedagogyen_US

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