Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Cosmology from HI galaxy surveys with the SKA 

      Maartens, Roy; Abdalla, Filipe B.; Bull, Philip; Camera, Stefano; Benoit-Levy, Aurelien; Joachimi, Benjamin; Kirk, Donnacha; Klöckner, Hans-Rainer; Raccanelli, Alvise; Santos, Mario G.; Zhao, Gong-Bo (Proceedings of Science, 2014)
      The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) has the potential to produce galaxy redshift surveys which will be competitive with other state of the art cosmological experiments in the next decade. In this chapter we summarise what ...
    • Cosmology on the largest scales with the SKA 

      Camera, Stefano; Raccanelli, Alvise; Bull, Philip; Bertacca, Daniele; Chen, Xuelei; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Kunz, Martin; Maartens, Roy; Mao, Yi; Santos, Mario G.; Shapiro, Paul R.; Viel, Matteo; Xug, Yidong (Proceedings of Science, 2014)
      The study of the Universe on ultra-large scales is one of the major science cases for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The SKA will be able to probe a vast volume of the cosmos, thus representing a unique instrument, ...
    • Cosmology on ultralarge scales with intensity mapping of the neutral hydrogen 21 cm emission: limits on primodial non-gaussianity 

      Camera, Stefano; Santos, Mario G.; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Ferramacho, Luis (American Physical Society, 2013)
      The large-scale structure of the Universe supplies crucial information about the physical processes at play at early times. Unresolved maps of the intensity of 21 cm emission from neutral hydrogen HI at redshifts z ~ 1 − ...
    • Cosmology with a SKA HI intensity mapping survey 

      Santos, Mario G.; Bull, Philip; Alonso, David; Camera, Stefano; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Bernardi, Gianni; Maartens, Roy; Viel, Matteo; Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco; Abdalla, Filipe B.; Jarvis, Matt; Metcalf, R. Benton; Pourtsidou, A.; Wolz, Laura (Proceedings of Science, 2014)
      HI intensity mapping (IM) is a novel technique capable of mapping the large-scale structure of the Universe in three dimensions and delivering exquisite constraints on cosmology, by using HI as a biased tracer of the ...
    • Detecting relativistic Doppler in galaxy clustering with tailored galaxy samples 

      Camera, Stefano; Montano, Frederico (Elsivier, 2024)
      We present a method to obtain a high-significance detection of relativistic effects on cosmological scales. Measurements of such effects would be instrumental for our understanding of the Universe, as they would provide ...
    • Developing a unified pipeline for large-scale structure data analysis with angular power spectra – II. A case study for magnification bias and radio continuum surveys 

      Camera, Stefano; Tanidis, Konstantinos; Parkinson, David (Oxford University Press, 2019)
      Following on our purpose of developing a unified pipeline for large-scale structure data analysis with angular power spectra, we now include the weak lensing effect of magnification bias on galaxy clustering in a publicly ...
    • Einstein's legacy in galaxy surveys 

      Camera, Stefano; Maartens, Roy; Santos, Mario G. (Oxford University Press, 2015)
      Non-Gaussianity in the primordial fluctuations that seeded structure formation produces a signal in the galaxy power spectrum on very large scales. This signal contains vital information about the primordial Universe, but ...
    • Hunting down horizon-scale effects with multi-wavelength surveys 

      Fonseca, Jose; Camera, Stefano; Santos, Mario G.; Maartens, Roy (American Astronomical Society, 2015)
      Next-generation cosmological surveys will probe ever larger volumes of the universe, including the largest scales, near and beyond the horizon. On these scales, the galaxy power spectrum carries signatures of local primordial ...
    • Measuring redshift-space distortion with future SKA surveys 

      Raccanelli, Alvise; Bull, Philip; Camera, Stefano; Bacon, David; Blake, Chris; Dore, Olivier; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Maartens, Roy; Santos, Mario G.; Viel, Matteo; Zhao, Gong-Bo (Proceedings of Science, 2014)
      The peculiar motion of galaxies can be a particularly sensitive probe of gravitational collapse. As such, it can be used to measure the dynamics of dark matter and dark energy as well the nature of the gravitational laws ...
    • Non-Gaussianity constraints using future radio continuum surveys and the multitracer technique 

      Camera, Stefano; Gomes, Zahra; Jarvis, Matt J. (Oxford University Press, 2019)
      Tighter constraints on measurements of primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) will allow the differentiation of inflationary scenarios. The cosmic microwave background bispectrum – the standard method of measuring the local ...
    • Ultralarge-scale approximations and galaxy clustering: Debiasing constraints on cosmological parameters 

      Martinelli, Matteo; Dalal, Roohi; Camera, Stefano (Oxford University Press, 2022)
      Upcoming galaxy surveys will allow us to probe the growth of the cosmic large-scale structure with improved sensitivity compared to current missions, and will also map larger areas of the sky. This means that in addition ...