Now showing items 329-348 of 620

    • Livelihoods after land reform: Namibia country report (2010) Section B 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, 2010)
      The first AALS farmers in Hardap obtained their land in 1992, and the most recent in 2003. In Omaheke, the first AALS farmer obtained his farm in 1992 and the most recent, a woman, in 2000. Thus in both regions the oldest ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform: The impacts of land reform on livelihoods in Namibia: Section B 

      Werner, Wolfgang; Odendaal, Willem (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2010)
      The first AALS farmers in Hardap obtained their land in 1992, and the most recent in 2003. In Omaheke, the first AALS farmer obtained his farm in 1992 and the most recent, a woman, in 2000. Thus in both regions the oldest ...
    • Livelihoods after land reform: The South African case 

      Aliber, Michael; Maluleke, T; Manenzhe, T; Paradza, Gaynor; Cousins, Ben (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2012)
      SA’s land reform regarded as a failure – economic objectives – the spectre of ‘failed projects’ – changing the racial pattern of land ownership – too slow • No consensus as to why, or what to do • Even so, ambitious ...
    • Livelihoods and sharing: Trends in a Lesotho village, 1976–2004 

      Turner, Stephen D. (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2005)
      In 2004 I was fortunate enough to be able to return to Ha Tumahole, the village in Lesotho where I undertook research on farming and livelihoods in 1976–77, and spend four weeks learning about what had changed in ...
    • Livelihoods and sharing: Trends in a Lesotho village, 1976–2004 

      Turner, Stephen (PLAAS, University of the Western Cape & Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc. (CARE), 2005-10)
      The study compares the livelihoods and inter-household sharing mechanisms in a Lesotho village across a 28 year period. The report examines the complex socio-economic structures and systems that are in place in the rural ...
    • Livestock and the rangeland commons in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform 

      Hall, Ruth; Cousins, Ben (NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis, 2013)
      Land and agrarian reform has the potential to expand South Africa’s rangeland commons and enhance their contribution to the livelihoods of the rural poor, yet to a large extent this has been an opportunity missed. ...
    • Livestock production 

      Alcock, Rauri; Geraci, Marisia (GTAC, 2020-03-31)
      This paper is a thematic study for livestock production by smallholders and small-scale black commercial farmers in South Africa. Its aim is to identify the potential for successful expansion of the number of such farmers ...
    • Local communities, equity and conservation in southern Africa: A synthesis of lessons learnt and recommendations from a southern African technical workshop 

      Whande, Webster; Kepe, Thembela; Murphree, Marshall (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2003)
      This publication reports on a technical workshop entitled ëCommunities and Conservation in Southern Africa: Key Issues and Challenges towards a more Equitable and Sustainable Futureí, which was held on 26ñ28 February 2003 ...
    • Local food geographies: The nature and extent of food insecurity in South Africa 

      Tawodzera, Godfrey (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2016-08)
      Food insecurity is a challenge for most countries in the Global South. South Africa is no exception - a significant proportion of its population still remains in poverty and is therefore vulnerable to food insecurity. ...
    • Lockdown, resilience and emergency statecraft in the Cape Town food system 

      Kroll, Florian; Adelle, Camilla (Cities, 2022)
      Well before the Covid-19 pandemic, rapidly growing cities of the global South were at the epicenter of multiple converging crises affecting food systems. Globally, government lockdown responses to the disease triggered ...
    • Lone Mothers in South Africa - The role of social security in respecting and protecting dignity. 

      Wright, Gemma; Noble, Michael; Ntshongwana, Phakama; Neves, David; Barnes, Helen (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2013)
      The purpose of this document is to define the group of people whom we are considering as part of the project ‘Lone Mothers in South Africa: The role of social security in respecting and protecting dignity’. Setting to ...
    • Lone Mothers in South Africa - The role of social security in respecting and protecting dignity. 

      Wright, Gemma; Noble, Michael; Ntshongwana, Phakama; Neves, David; Barnes, Helen (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2013)
      The purpose of this document is to define the group of people whom we are considering as part of the project ‘Lone Mothers in South Africa: The role of social security in respecting and protecting dignity’. Setting to ...
    • Lusaka’s local food geographies: A gendered reading of everyday food insecurity in Mtendere, Lusaka 

      Davies, Frances (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2016-08)
      Little is known about how individual abilities and food security determinants - at the scale of everyday life - connect to formal and informal value chains, and broader urban structural systems in which daily processes ...
    • Mainstreaming of HIV and Aids into South African fisheries policy 

      Isaacs, Moenieba; Hara, Mafaniso (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2008)
      HIV/Aids is one of the most serious health, economic and social issues facing southern Africa today (UNAIDS; Heywood 2004). Although only 10% of the world’s population lives in Sub-Saharan Africa, 64% of the 39.5 million ...
    • Mainstreaming of HIV and Aids into South African Fisheries Policy 

      Isaacs, Hara, Mafaniso Moenieba (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2008)
      This research investigated the drivers and the impact of HIV and Aids in fishing communities in South Africa, in order to assist the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism: Marine and Coastal Management ...
    • Mainstreaming of HIV and Aids into South African fisheries policy 

      Isaacs, Moenieba; Hara, Mafaniso (PLAAS, University of the Western Cape, 2008-11)
      This research investigated the drivers and the impact of HIV and Aids in fishing communities in South Africa, in order to assist the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism: Marine and Coastal Management ...
    • Making investment work for Africa: A parliamentarian response to “land grabs” 

      PLAAS (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2011)
      A new wave of foreign investment in Africa’s farmland and water was triggered in 2008 by the growing demand in Europe and North America for biofuels, spikes in oil prices, the global food crisis and the world financial ...
    • Making rights work: Towards broader role for rights mobilisation in challenging poverty and inequality in South Afric 

      Tissington, Kate (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2010)
      This paper contemplates a broader conceptualisation/role for socio-economic rights use and mobilisation in South Africa, which not only mitigates the effects of poverty and inequality but also undertakes to address the ...
    • Making sense of 'evidence': Notes on the discursive politics of research and pro-poor policy making 

      du Toit, Andries (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2012-09)
      This paper explores some of the assumptions underlying ‘evidence based’ approaches to poverty reduction impact assessment. It argues that the discourse of Evidence-Based Policy (EBP) offers poor guidance to those who ...
    • Management of some commons in southern Africa: Implications for policy 

      Atkinson, Doreen; Taylor, Michael; Matose, Frank (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2006)
      Profound transformations in communal land tenure systems are taking place in parts of southern Africa that have resulted from decades of interventions, particularly the shrinking of the commonage through capture of extensive ...