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Now showing items 41-60 of 8066
Acceptability and feasibility of a screening protocol for antenatal depression (SPADe) in Blantyre District, Malawi
(BMC, 2022)Depression is one of the most common perinatal mental health problems that afect pregnant women. Antenatal depression can adversely afect the well-being of the pregnant woman and her foetus. Depression is rarely detected ... -
The acceptability of three vaccine injections given to infants during a single clinic visit in South Africa
(BioMed Central, 2016)BACKGROUND: The Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) has increased the number of antigens and injections administered at one visit. There are concerns that more injections at a single immunisation visit could ... -
Access and barriers to post-school education and success for disadvantaged black adults in South Africa: Rethinking equity and social justice
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Widespread national higher education student protests against proposed fee increases and demands for free higher education in South Africa that arose towards the end of 2015 drew international attention to disadvantaged ... -
Access to health care in post-apartheid South Africa: availability, affordability, acceptability
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)We use a reliable, intuitive and simple set of indicators to capture three dimensions of access – availability, affordability and acceptability. Data are from South Africa’s 2009 and 2010 General Household Surveys (n=190,164). ... -
Access to healthcare for people with disabilities in South Africa: Bad at any time, worse during COVID-19?
(AOSIS, 2021)People with disabilities, especially those living in low- and middle-income countries, experience significant challenges in accessing healthcare services and support. At times of disasters and emergencies, people with ... -
Access to HIV healthcare services by farm workers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A systematic review protocol
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2022)Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region harbours the highest burden of HIV infections in the world. Agricultural work has been reported as one of the occupations with a high prevalence of HIV. Farm workers generally have poor ... -
Access to Justice in Kenya in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 16.3 on the Rule of Law: Lessons for the upcoming 2020 Voluntary National Review Report
(CEDRED Publications, 2020-08)Kenya was among the various countries that presented a Voluntary National Review Report in 2017. In the context of the Sustainable Development Goal 16.3, a close reading of the 2017 Report shows some strong and weak points. ... -
Access to land and other natural resources for local communities in Mozambique: Current examples from Manica Province
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2004)Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries in the world. Given that poverty remains overwhelmingly rural in nature, measures to effectively address it should therefore be targeted to the areas where the rural poor ... -
Access to land and rural poverty in South Africa
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2012-09)The big picture: some history • Large-scale land dispossession from 1652 into the late 20th century • 1913 and 1936 Land Acts: African majority confined to 13% of country • Forced removals in apartheid years: 2.5 million ... -
Access to maternity protection and potential implications for breastfeeding practices of domestic workers in the western cape of South Africa
(MDPI, 2023)Access to comprehensive maternity protection could contribute to improved breastfeeding practices for working women. Domestic workers are a vulnerable group. This study aimed to explore perceptions of and accessibility ... -
Access to medicines for asthma, diabetes and hypertension in eight counties of Kenya
(Wiley, 2018)OBJECTIVES: To assess access to noncommunicable diseases (NCD) medicines in Kenya for patients diagnosed and prescribed treatment for asthma, diabetes and hypertension. METHODS: Households in eight purposively chosen ... -
Accessing bank finance in relation to human capital, gender and race among SMMEs in a developing economy
(IEEE, 2015)Small, Micro and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) contribute to the national economy significantly. However, many SMMEs have difficulties in accessing bank finance due to the lower level of their human capital and scarce ... -
Accidental feminists? Recent histories of South African women
(History Department, University of the Western Cape, 2007)This article reviews Helen Scanlon's book, "Representation and reality", and Nombonisa Gasa's "Women in South African history", and locates each against the historiography of South African women's history -
Accountability and the right to food: A comparative study of India and South Africa
(Food Security SA Working Paper Series, 2018)It remains a great source of concern that, as richly endowed as the world is, each day millions of people go to sleep hungry and almost 870 million people, particularly in developing countries, are chronically undernourished. ... -
Accountability for SRHR in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)Governments and international organisations are focused on COVID-19 crisis decision-making. As a result, global and national health governance contexts are changing dramatically, as are the social and political determinants ... -
Accuracy of acetate overlays in bite mark comparison: How accurate is an ideal bite pattern?
(South African Dental Association, 2017)Forensically, a bite mark on human skin is reliant on the matching of the alignment and position of the dentition of the perpetrator with the bruise pattern inflicted by the bite. If there is more than one suspect, the ... -
Accuracy of clinical neurological examination in diagnosing lumbo-sacral radiculopathy: a systematic literature review
(BMC, 2017)BACKGROUND: Lumbar radiculopathy remains a clinical challenge among primary care clinicians in both assessment and diagnosis. This often leads to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment of patients resulting in poor ... -
Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in detecting lumbo-sacral nerve root compromise: A systematic literature review
(BioMed Central, 2016)Background: MRI is considered to be the diagnostic tool of choice in diagnosing nerve root compromise among patients presenting with clinical suspicion of lumbo-sacral radiculopathy. There exists controversy among researchers ... -
Accurate automated quantitative imaging of tortoise erythrocytes using the NIS image analysis system
(Taylor & Francis, 2013)The standard method for assessing blood cell characteristics using an ocular micrometer is time-consuming and limited. We used the Nikon NIS Elements imaging software and May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining to determine whether ... -
Achievements and challenges for Higher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review of media in Africa
(MPDI, 2021)The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic struck globally and has affected higher education institutions (HEIs) and their operations, indirectly impacting the progress of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 achieved thus far. ...