Now showing items 1-20 of 1122

    • Industrialisation and the decline of the coastal cities in South Africa: A neglected dimension 

      Roux, A.D.; Black, A.D. (Development Southern Africa, 1990-05)
      Empirical evidence points to a mismatch between the growth of population and the growth of manufacturing activity among the metropolitan centres of South Africa. While the coastal metropoles lag behind the PWV and certain ...
    • The decline of ‘militant Zulu nationalism’: IFP politics after 1994 

      Piper, Laurence; Hampton, Kerri (Taylor & Francis, 1998)
      Abstract This article argues that since 1994, but especially since 1996, the IFP has progressively moved away from the Zulu nationalist rhetoric and confrontational tactics of the transition period which we term the ...
    • Postmodernism and the reclaiming of tradition 

      Piper, Laurence (Berghahn books, 1998)
      The history of the Zulu people is the history of myself'.1 In Africa, as elsewhere, the notion of tradition is bound up with the discourses of ethnicity and nationalism. Typically invoking pre-colonial identi- ties ...
    • Postmodernism and the reclaiming of tradition 

      Piper, Laurence (Berghahn Books, 1998)
      ‘The history of the Zulu people is the history of myself’.1 In Africa, as elsewhere, the notion of tradition is bound up with the discourses of ethnicity and nationalism. Typically invoking pre-colonial identities as ...
    • At the crossroads: Land and agrarian reform in South Africa into the 21st century 

      Cousins, Ben; Emmett, Natashiá; Campbell, Rosie; Heyns, Stephen (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 1999)
      The land sector has always been characterised by lively and public arguments over policy, and some of the central and recurring themes of the previous five years of debate were expected to surface at the conference. ...
    • Judgement and choice in the 1999 South African election 

      Mattes, Robert; Taylor, Helen; Africa, Cherrel (Taylor & Francis, 1999)
      In this article, we set out the basic points of the theoretical framework of voter choice that underlie the Opinion '99 research project. In contrast to prevailing theories that have characterized voter choice in ...
    • Democracy for a bargain: The 1999 election in KwaZulu‐Natal 

      Piper, Laurence (Taylor & Francis, 1999)
      While the IFP/ANC race for first place in KwaZulu-Natal was the closest of any in the country, the 1999 election was both freer and fairer than ever before, and the result was readily accepted by all parties. In short, ...
    • Women's access to land in the former bantustans: Constitutional conflict, customary law, democratisation and the role of the state 

      Mann, Michelle (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2000)
      The transition to local democratic institutions in the former bantustans of South Africa will not in itself fulfil the constitutional imperative for the promotion of gender equality, specifically in relation to womenís ...
    • Why land invasions will happen here too ..... 

      Cousins, Ben (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2000)
      Will Zimbabwean-style land invasions take place in South Africa at some point in the future? In my view – yes, it is likely that they will, despite the great differences between the political economies of the two countries. ...
    • Women's access to land in the former Bantustans: Constitutional conflict, customary law, democratisation and the role of the state 

      Mann, Michelle (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2000)
      The transition to local democratic institutions in the former bantustans of South Africa will not in itself fulfill the constitutional imperative for the promotion of gender equality, specifically in relation to women's ...
    • Land reform, sustainable rural livelihoods and gender relations: A case study of Gallawater A farm: Volume 2 

      Vetter, Susanne; Goqwana, Wiseman M; Bobo, Joseph; Marsh, Alan (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2000)
      There is an ongoing debate about the sustainability of South African communal rangelands as old views on overgrazing and degradation are being widely challenged. The degradation issue has recently received renewed ...
    • Land reform, sustainable rural livelihoods and gender relations: A case study of Gallawater A farm: Volume 1 

      Mokgope, Kgopotso (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2000)
      The research project aimed to investigate the impact of land reform processes on sustainable rural livelihoods and on gender relations in South Africa by examining a case study in the Eastern Cape province.
    • Constituting the commons in the new South Africa 

      Isaacs, Moenieba; Mohamed, Najma; Ntshona, Zolile; Turner, Stephen (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2000)
      This set of papers results from participation by staff members of the Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies in the eighth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, held at ...
    • South Africa: Urban transformation 

      Williams, John J. (Elsevier, 2000)
      This paper discusses transformation as a multi-dimensional concept to effect social change in South African society in the post-apartheid era. The policy implications of such a variegated understanding of social change ...
    • At the crossroads: Land and agrarian reform in South Africa into the 21st century 

      Cousins, Ben (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), and National Land Committee (NLC), 2000)
      These conference proceedings are published at a time of extraordinary fluidity and uncertainty as to the future of the ambitious programmes of land and agrarian reform1 initiated by the first democratic government in 1994. ...
    • An analysis of the current and future deployment of Information Systems and Technology at the University of the Western Cape 

      Bytheway, Andrew J. (Dept of Information Systems, Univ. of the Western Cape, 2000)
      In order to successfully deploy information technology and information systems, any organisation must have a strategy indicating where its business is going, an understanding of the information systems that will help to ...
    • Transformative sensemaking: Development in Whose Image? Keyan Tomaselli and the semiotics of visual representation 

      Williams, John J. (Overseas Publishers Association, 2000)
      The defining and distinguishing feature of homo sapiens is its ability to make sense of the world, i.e. to use its intellect to understand and change both itself and the world of which it is an integral part. It is against ...
    • Sustainable development: What's land got to do with it? 

      Turner, Stephen (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2001)
      Ahead of the September 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa is reviewing its plans and progress towards sustainable development. This paper argues that more attention needs to be given ...
    • Annual report 2000 

      PLAAS (Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2001)
      The Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) focuses on the land restitution and redistribution programmes initiated by the post-apartheid democratic state; land tenure reform; emerging regimes of natural resource ...
    • 'It is not easy to challenge a chief ': Lessons from Rakgwadi 

      Claasens, Aninka (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2001)
      When Thoko Didiza was appointed Minister for Agriculture and Land Affairs in 1999, one of her earliest policy decisions was to stop work on the draft Land Rights Bill and to announce her intention to transfer the title ...