Researchers in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry
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Ion release of chitosan and nanodiamond modified glass ionomer restorative cements
(UWC, 2019)Purpose: Ion release from glass ionomer restorative cements (GICs) plays an important role in GICs. The ion release from chitosan and nanodiamond-modified glass ionomers was assessed. Materials and methods: Three GICs (Fuji ... -
Application of lasers in orthodontics
(South African Dental Association, 2017)Laser is the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, a usage that dates back to approximately 50 years ago. In 1960, the first functioning laser was built by the American physicist Maiman ... -
Cavity preparation using hard tissue lasers in operative dentistry
(South African Dental Association, 2017)A laser is a device that delivers coherent, monochromatic and collimated light as a form of energy. Most dental laser devices emit invisible light in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. On May 7, 1997, ... -
A comparative study to determine the shock absorption ability of two popular mouth guards available on the South African market
(Electronic Doctor (E-Doc) Publishers & SADA, 2017)It is expected that most mouth guards will provide some level of protection to teeth. In this study a device was developed to measure the relative impact absorption of two different mouth guards (Proform, Type III ... -
Lasers in periodontics
(Electronic Doctor (E-Doc) Publishers & SADA, 2017)Ablation has been described as the expansive vaporisation of tissue. In periodontal procedures the ablation capacity of the laser can be used for excision and incision of pathology. The Erbium doped lasers can be used ... -
Bio-active restorative materials as alternative pit and fissure sealants in pediatric and preventative dentistry: In vitro investigation
(MedCrave, 2017)BACKGROUND: It has been more than 40 years since the pit and fissure sealants were first used clinically. During this time, pit and fissure sealants have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of occlusal caries. AIM: ... -
Lasers in paediatric dentistry
(South African Dental Association, 2016)Many clinicians will be faced with the un-cooperative paediatric patient presenting at their practices with a “fear of the unknown”. Establishing trust with these patients is essential in order to achieve a productive ... -
Introduction to dental lasers
(South African Dental Association, 2016)It was Albert Einstein who in 1917 defined the theory of the Stimulated Emission of Radiation, developing and expanding on the work of Niels Bohr, who in 1913 had formulated the Spontaneous Emission theory. Einstein ... -
Are fissure sealants still relevant as a caries preventive measure?
(South African Dental Association, 2016)The groundwork for fissure sealants was completed in 1955 and lead to the introduction in 1971 of the Nuva-Seal Fissure Sealant by L.D Caulk. Since caries predominantly affects the pits and fissures of the teeth of ... -
Towards bioactive containing restorative materials: from design to testing in vitro approach
(Symbiosis, 2015)In any repair of a tooth with permanent restorative materials, the interface is always a sensitive region. The appearance of adhesive materials was a great step forward in dealing with the problems of this region and ... -
The use of laser-based technologies in dentistry: Ethical issues and safety considerations
(South African Dental Association, 2015)The use of laser-based technologies in general dental practice in South Africa is growing each year both in numbers and in scope of use. It has been shown to be beneficial in treating a wide range of oral and ... -
Towards bioactive dental restorative materials with chitosan and nanodiamonds: evaluation and application
(SciDoc Publishers, 2015)BACKGROUND/PURPOSES: Recently various articles showed beneficial effects of the addition of different the beneficial effect (bond strength and longevity) of the addition of different bioactive compounds towards dental ... -
Volumetric change of flowable composite resins due to polymerization as measured with an electronic mercury dilatometer
(Herbert Publications Ltd., 2013)BACKGROUND: To determine the total volumetric change and the relative speed of shrinkage of bulk fill flowable composites during polymerization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A specially designed electronic mercury dilatometer ... -
Use of the passive lower lingual arch in the management of anterior mandibular crowding in the mixed dentition
(South African Dental Association, 2013)Leeway space preservation in the mixed dentition is a well-documented method of space management. In the mandibular arch it may be saved for utilization in the correction of minor anterior crowding by the placement of a ... -
Orthodontic molar brackets: the effect of three different base designs on shear bond strength
(Master Publishing Group, 2011)The purpose of the study was to assess the relative base designs of three different maxillary molar stainless steel brackets with reference to the shear bond strength of three different adhesive resins. The molar brackets ... -
Early identification and management of mandibular canine ectopia
(South African Dental Association, 2011)Mandibular canine impaction and transmigration have serious consequences for the patient, as removal of the tooth or teeth in question is often the only solution. The loss of one or both mandibular canines complicates ... -
Maxillary canine management in the pre-adolescent: A guideline for general practitioners.
(South African Dental Association, 2010)This paper focuses on the identification of ectopic eruption patterns of the maxillary canines from the dental ages of approximately 8 to 12 years. The timing and suitability of interceptive treatment in pre-adolescents ... -
The mixed dentition pantomogram: A valuable dental development assessment tool for the dentist
(South African Dental Association, 2009)The mixed dentition pantomogram is routinely used in paediatric patients. This paper discusses the value of the pantomogram for early identification of problems in dental development during the mixed dentition stage. ...