Now showing items 80-89 of 89

    • Towards communication and information access for deaf people 

      Blake, Edwin H.; Tucker, William David; Glaser, Meryl (SAICSIT, 2014)
      In tightly circumscribed communication situations, an interactive system resident on a mobile device can assist Deaf people with their communication and information needs. The Deaf users considered here use South African ...
    • Tuning a mid-range rural WiFi-based mesh network 

      Rey-Moreno, Carlos; Tucker, William David; Simo-Reigadas, Javier (ACM, 2013)
      Little is known about how mid-range, or several km, dis- tances a ect multipoint-to-multipoint links when single ra- dio nodes with omnidirectional antennas are used. In this poster, a real network with these characteristics ...
    • Unmasking community trust issues in rural field work 

      Ufitamahoro, Marie Josée; Venter, Isabella M.; Tucker, William David; Rey-Moreno, Carlos (ACM, 2013)
      The principal objective of this paper is to describe the au thor's fieldwork and research in a remote rural area of South Africa, where a Village Telco is deployed to provide Voice over Internet Protocol on a wireless mesh ...
    • Usability of an authoring tool for generalised scenario creation for signsupport 

      Duma, Lindokuhle; Chininthorn, Prangnat; Glaser, Meryl; Tucker, William David (Telkom, 2015)
      This paper presents the usability testing results for an authoring tool that generalises scenario creation for a tool called SignSupport. SignSupport is a mobile communication tool for Deaf people that currently runs ...
    • User interfaces for communication bridges across the digital divide 

      Blake, Edwin H.; Tucker, William David (Springer-Verlag, 2006)
      Connecting people across the Digital Divide is as much a social effort as a technological one. We are developing a community-centred approach to learn how interaction techniques can compensate for poor communication across ...
    • Using voice over IP to bridge the digital divide: a critical action research approach 

      Chetty, Marshini; Tucker, William David; Blake, Edwin H. (Telkom, 2003)
      There is a great disparity between those who have access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and those that do not. This phenomenon forms part of the Digital Divide. Many ICTs may be used to help overcome ...
    • Video Relay Service for Deaf people using WebRTC 

      Henney, Andre J; Tucker, William D (University of the Western Cape, 2019-03)
      This paper reports on an experimental open source video relay service prototype that helps Deaf people communicate with hearing people by accessing a third party sign language interpreter on a mobile device. Deaf people ...
    • Walking and the social life of solar charging in rural Africa 

      Bidwell, Nicola J.; Siya, Masbulele Jay; Marsden, Gary; Tucker, William David; Tshemese, M.; Gaven, N.; Ntlangano, Senzo; Robinson, Simon; Eglinton, Kristen Ali (Association for Computing Machinery, 2013)
      We consider practices that sustain social and physical environments beyond those dominating sustainable HCI discourse. We describe links between walking, sociality, and using resources in a case study of community-based, ...
    • Web-based telephony bridges for the deaf 

      Glaser, Meryl; Tucker, William David (Telkom, 2001)
      A Teldem provides text-based telephony services to the deaf. Despite an array of text-based communications mechanisms on the web, the Teldem is the only means of synchronous telecommunication available to a deaf person. ...
    • Untitled 

      Tucker, William David; Westerveld, Rudi (John Wiley & Sons, 2015)
      Local access in the context of regions in the global South continues to undergo transformation due to the growing ubiquity of mobile connectivity and the recent appearance of what have been termed “inverse” telecommunication ...