Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Ownership and attitudes towards technology use in physiotherapy students from seven countries
(Elsevier, 2017)
PURPOSE: To assess differences in prerequisites to blended learning such as technology use and Internet access in an international sample of physiotherapy students from Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Luxembourg, Sudan, ...
Beyond knowledge and skills: the use of a Delphi study to develop a technology-mediated teaching strategy
(BioMed Central, 2013)
Background: While there is evidence to suggest that teaching practices in clinical education should include activities that more accurately reflect the real world, many educators base their teaching on transmission models ...
Technology-mediated learning in physiotherapy education: the social construction of practice knowledge.
(Aosis Publishing, 2013)
Clinical practice is complex, requiring practitioners to interpret a diverse range of inter-related variables in order to make clinical decisions as part of patient management. This process is often intuitive and therefore ...