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dc.contributor.authorAdedapo, Adeyinka Happy
dc.contributor.authorKolude, Bamidele M
dc.contributor.authorAdeola, Henry Ademola
dc.identifier.citationAdedapo, A. H. et al . (2020). Targeted polymerase chain reaction-based expression of putative halitogenic bacteria and volatile sulphur compound analysis among halitosis patients at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Odontology ,108(3), 450-461. Doi: 10.1007/s10266-019-00467-xen_US
dc.description.abstractHalitosis (bad breath) can be a cause of anxiety, depression and psychosocial stress, with pathological changes in the oral microbiota playing an important role in its development. Despite its prevalence, studies on the microbiology of halitosis are rare in Nigeria. This study determines the presence of five putative periodontal pathogens viz: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Treponema denticola on the tongue dorsa of halitosis and non-halitosis patients using a 16S rDNA-directed polymerase chain reaction assay. Furthermore, an association of these bacteria with oral malodour [as assessed by volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) measurements] with a portable sulphide monitor, the Halimeter (Interscan Corp, Chatsworth, California), was performed.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Natureen_US
dc.subjectHalitogenic bacteriaen_US
dc.subjectPolymerase chain reactionen_US
dc.subjectVolative sulphur compoundsen_US
dc.titleTargeted polymerase chain reaction-based expression of putative halitogenic bacteria and volatile sulphur compound analysis among halitosis patients at a tertiary hospital in Nigeriaen_US

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