Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Stakeholders’ perspectives on the barriers to accessing health care services in rural settings: A human capabilities approach
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2021-04-12)
Despite efforts to achieve universal access to health care by various stakeholders globally, most developing countries continue to face serious health delivery challenges, especially in rural areas. Introduction: These ...
Spiritual care – ‘A deeper immunity’ – A response to Covid-19 pandemic
(AOSIS, 2020)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has presented unprecedented health challenges across
all strata in society throughout the world. The COVID experience has caused us to reflect on
quality of life, health and well-being ...
Exploring the perspectives of South African parents and primary caregivers living in low-income communities on what children need to thrive within the first 1000 days of life
(MPDI, 2020)
The first 1000 days is recognised as a critical period for the development of children. What children need to thrive in this particular phase of development may be different from any other phase. In South Africa, parents’ ...
Exploring the perspectives of South African parents and primary caregivers living in low-income communities on what children need to thrive within the first 1000 days of life
(MDPI, 2021)
The first 1000 days is recognised as a critical period for the development of children. What children need to thrive in this particular phase of development may be different from any other phase. In South Africa, parents' ...
A comparison of the relationship between parental efficacy and social support systems of single teen mothers across different family forms in South African low socioeconomic communities
(BCM, 2021)
Teenage parenting is recognised as one of the greatest health and social problems in South Africa. Research in South Africa has shown that by the age of 18 years, more than 30% of teens have given birth at least once. Teen ...
Nutritional knowledge, parenting styles and feeding practices of a South African sample of parents
(Routledge, 2019)
Parenting can be considered as being an all-encompassing network of development for children. Children learn about eating not
only through their own experiences but also by watching others.
Mothers and children show ...
Family-centered interventions for intimate partner violence: A systematic review
(AJOL, 2019)
The effect of intimate partner violence (IPV) has a spill-over effect on all family members, and as such,
any intervention directed at IPV should include all family members directly affected. The spill-over
effect indicates ...
Legacy beliefs across generations: Comparing views of older parents and their adult children
(SAGE, 2019)
This mixed-methods study examined legacy beliefs (i.e., anticipated remembrances
and linkages to the self after death) as understood in 14 older parent and adult child
pairs. This work validates and expands on a 2005 ...
Legislative policies and culture on parenting practices: Improving the parent-child relationship in South Africa
(Universidade Federal do Maranhão, 2019)
Parent-child relationships are often described as unique and enduring bonds that take place between a caregiver/parent and
their child. Several South African legislative policy documents have been implemented to guide ...
Developing a logic model of change for the determinants of parental nurturance in the first 1000 days: A mixed-method study protocol
(Public Library of Science, 2021)
Parents play a key role in providing nurturance and nurturing care to their child during the
first 1000 days which is important for optimal child development. Various factors have been
found to influence parenting but ...