Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Legislative policies and culture on parenting practices: Improving the parent-child relationship in South Africa
(Universidade Federal do Maranhão, 2019)
Parent-child relationships are often described as unique and enduring bonds that take place between a caregiver/parent and
their child. Several South African legislative policy documents have been implemented to guide ...
Developing a logic model of change for the determinants of parental nurturance in the first 1000 days: A mixed-method study protocol
(Public Library of Science, 2021)
Parents play a key role in providing nurturance and nurturing care to their child during the
first 1000 days which is important for optimal child development. Various factors have been
found to influence parenting but ...
Barriers to effective parenting of adolescent children in resource-constrained communities
(University of Stellenbosch, 2022)
The study examined barriers to effective parenting of adolescent children in resourceconstrained communities. A qualitative approach was adopted for data collection and analysis.
Thematic analysis was applied to data ...