The School of Natural Medicine(SoNM), in the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences, offers professional training in four diciplines of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), namely Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Phytotherapy and Unani-Tibb. The course work for all of these disciplines is a minimum of 5 years spread over two degree's.

Once qualified, SoNM graduates can request registration with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) as a Doctor within the scope of practice of each discipline (please note that all AHPCSA regulations need to be adhered too throught the study period for registration). Academics at SoNM are currently involved in a wide range of research activities, such as laboratory related medical science research as well as community and health related research. As our academics pioneer scholarship in these disciplines, the research portfolio is expected to grow significantly over the next few years with the aim to impact both medical science as well as health policies related to CAM in primary and public health fields.

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