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dc.contributor.authorParé, M
dc.contributor.authorBouchard, J.P
dc.identifier.citationMaroussia Paré, Jean-Pierre Bouchard, Psychologie du sport : une psychologue aux Jeux Olympiques (1re partie), Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, Volume 179, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 844-849, ISSN 0003-4487, ( Abstract: Résumé Les sportifs de haut niveau sont souvent présentés au moment de leurs performances en grands championnats. Mais qu’en est-il de leur quotidien et du chemin parcouru vers ces succès ? Dans cet entretien, Maroussia Paré, sportive de haut niveau en athlétisme et psychologue, analyse sa saison olympique 2020–2021. Du début de la préparation avec la planification d’objectifs, en passant par les échecs et les émotions désagréables, elle revient sur le quotidien peu connu des athlètes qui, l’instant d’une course, espère briller par leurs résultats. Cet entretien met en lumière les ressources psychologiques adoptées par les athlètes telles que les capacités adaptatives, le contrôle de soi et les stratégies de coping privilégiées. Nous voyons au travers de son expérience que cette course effrénée à la performance, individuelle ou collective, peu également induire des vulnérabilités psychologiques non négligeables. Ainsi, entre prévention et accompagnement, la place du psychologue au sein du staff du sportif semble nécessaire. Top athletes are often introduce when they are performing at major championships. But what about their daily life and all the things they put together for those success ? Maroussia Paré, high level athlete in track and field and psychologist, propounds in this article an analysis of her 2020–2021 Olympic season. From the beginning of the preparation with setting goals, through the failures and the unpleasant emotions, she comes back on the little-known daily life of the athletes who, at the moment of a race, hope to shine with their results. This interview highlights the psychological resources adopted by athletes such as adaptive capacities, self-control and privileged coping strategies. We can see from her experience that this mad rush for performance, both individual and collective, can also lead to significant psychological vulnerabilities.Thus, between prevention and support, the place of the psychologist within the staff of the athlete seems necessary. Keywords: Adaptation; Athlétisme; Compétition; Coping; Course à pied; Échec; Émotions; Jeux Olympiques; Psychologue; Psychologie du sport; Réussite; Adaptation; Athletics; Competition; Coping; Running; Failure; Emotions; Olympic Games; Psychologist; Sports psychology; Successen_US
dc.description.abstractTop athletes are often introduce when they are performing at major championships. But what about their daily life and all the things they put together for those success ? Maroussia Paré, high level athlete in track and field and psychologist, propounds in this article an analysis of her 2020–2021 Olympic season. From the beginning of the preparation with setting goals, through the failures and the unpleasant emotions, she comes back on the little-known daily life of the athletes who, at the moment of a race, hope to shine with their results. This interview highlights the psychological resources adopted by athletes such as adaptive capacities, self-control and privileged coping strategies. We can see from her experience that this mad rush for performance, both individual and collective, can also lead to significant psychological vulnerabilities.Thus, between prevention and support, the place of the psychologist within the staff of the athlete seems necessary.en_US
dc.titlePsychologie du sport : une psychologue aux Jeux Olympiques (1re partie)en_US

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