Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Correction to: Effects of early feeding on growth velocity and overweight/obesity in a cohort of HIV unexposed South African infants and children
(BioMed Central, 2017)
After publication of this article [1] it was brought to our attention
that there were errors in the text under the heading
‘Data cleaning’, and in Table 3. The corrected text and updated
Table 3 are given in this erratum.
Independent and interactive effects of HIV infection, clinical stage and other comorbidities on survival of children treated for severe malnutrition in rural South Africa: A retrospective multicohort study
(Health & Medical Publishing Group, 2017)
BACKGROUND. There is still limited to no evidence on the independent and interactive effects of HIV infection, disease stage, baseline
disease severity and other important comorbidities on mortality risk among young ...
The impact of HIV infection and disease stage on the rate of weight gain and duration of refeeding and treatment in severely malnourished children in rural South African hospitals
(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2017)
BACKGROUND: Evidence of the effects of HIV infection and clinical stage on the duration of refeeding and treatment (DRT) and the rate of weight
gain (RWG) in severely malnourished children remains inconclusive.
Two-year viral load suppression among adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy in the Cape Metropole, South Africa, 2013 - 2015: A retrospective cohort analysis
(South African Medical Association, 2020)
Background. In 2018, 4% of all people living with HIV globally were adolescents aged 10 - 19 years. It is reported that adolescents on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are at increased risk of poor viral load suppression (VLS) ...
What health service provider factors are associated with low delivery of HIV testing to children with acute malnutrition in Dowa district of Malawi?
(Public Library of Science, 2015)
The Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition is the national program for treating acute malnutrition in Malawi. Under this program’s guidelines all children enrolled should
undergo an HIV test, so that those ...