Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Lifelong learning and professional development in 'Residential Universities': Implementing the 'White Paper on post-school education and training'
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
This is a compilation of key documents from the four year
action research project between the University of the
Western Cape (UWC) and the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA) which seeks to implement ...
Making sense of the transitional maelstrom of part-time students and their conceptions of learning as mediated by conceptional domains of work, family and self. A case study of undergraduate, part-time political studies students at a university in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
The traditional trajectory of young students in higher education in South Africa is currently under sharp scrutiny and the general provision is considered to be inadequate in terms of quality, diversity and quantity. There ...
A realist assessment of the implementation of blended learning in a South African higher education context
(South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE), 2016)
Opportunities for further studies by working adults came under threat as the University of the Western Cape stopped the offering of after-hours classes in most of its Faculties. Unqualified and under-qualified librarians ...
A realist assessment of the implementation of blended learning in a higher education context: the case of the Library and Information Science Department at the University of the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
Opportunities for further studies by working adults came under threat as the University of the Western Cape stopped the offering of after-hours classes in most of its Faculties. Unqualified and under-qualified librarians ...
Building common knowledge: negotiating new pedagogies in Higher Education in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
Discussions in this chapter are located within an action research-based study which aims at supporting the integration of enhanced pedagogies in one university in South Africa. The study recognises that even full-time ...
Keeping the doors of learning open for adult student-workers within higher education
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
The Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC), the triumphant South African liberation movement, proclaims that ‘the doors of learning shall be open’ for all. Twenty years since coming to power, the doors of ...
The Cape Town statement on characteristic elements of a lifelong learning higher education institution
(University of Western Cape, UNESCO, Lifelong learning, 2001)
This statement grew out of a need recognised by adult and higher educators, scholars and specialists in the area of adult and lifelong learning to build on previous work focusing on transforming institutions of higher ...
Flexible learning and teaching: Looking beyond the binary of full-time/part-time provision in South African higher education
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)
This paper engages with literature on flexible learning and teaching in order to explore
whether it may be possible, within the South African context, to have flexible learning and
teaching provide a third way which goes ...