Factors contributing to running injuries: a narrative review
The purpose of this paper is to highlight some common extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors associated with
running injuries that should be considered in themanagement and prevention of running injuries.
Background: Running is one the most common sports activity that is practiced throughout the world. This increase in
popularity in running could gradually increase the incidence rate of injury thus contributing to overuse injuries.
Research in the field of running injuries is vast and has been conducted over more than 40 years. It is however difficult
to distinguish the exact cause of running injuries as the aetiologies aremultifactoral and diverse.
There are various factors (extrinsic or intrinsic) that could be associated to running injuries. Extrinsic factors such as
training methods, training surfaces or incorrect running shoes have been identified as some common risk factors.
Some intrinsic factors such as muscle strength, flexibility and malalignment of the leg have also been identified which
could further explain the aetiology of running injuries. Many researchers have identified various contributing factors to
running injuries however there is a lack of conclusive evidence on the identified factors. Thus, the acquiring knowledge
and scientific evidence about the risk factors related to common running injuries are important as it could assist in the
treatment and prevention of long-term injuries.