Now showing items 1-4 of 4
God's wrath and judgment on ethnic hatred and hope for victims of ethnic hatred in Obadiah: implications for Africa
(OTSSA, 2015)
Ethnic hatred has caused many lives on the African continent. In
many cases victims of ethnic hatred are left without hope for the
future. The book of Obadiah shows that there is hope for victims of
ethnic hatred. This ...
Prevention of civil war in Joshua 22: guidelines for African ethnic groups
(Old Testament Society of SA, 2013)
Have you ever jumped to a conclusion before hearing both sides of a story? Have you ever failed to give someone the benefit of the doubt, even though they had never wronged you? "There Are Two Sides to Every Story." Joshua ...
Expanding the boundaries through African women’s theologies
(Wiley, 2022)
The development and key features of African women’s theologies, primarily through the
Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, has entered the mainstream of theological
education, which could provide insights for ...
African studies keywords: Queer
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
“Queer” is a relatively recent and somewhat controversial term in African
studies. Yet it is proving to be productive, not only for understanding African subjectivities
of sexuality and gender, but also for situating ...