Research Publications (Religion & Theology)
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Tracking the decolonial in African christian theology : a Southern African perspective on mission from the margins as a decolonial mode of mission
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023)Drawing on the framework and pluriversalist vision of decoloniality, this article offers a conceptual mapping of theoretical debates and trends in recent discourse on the decolonization of theology in the Southern African ... -
Toward gender justice
(World Council of Churches, 2023)This article reflects on our experiences of facilitating the Bible studies for the Just Community of Women and Men pre-assembly gathering to the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in August–September 2022. ... -
Toward gender justice: reimagining religion, race, gender, and sexuality in acts 8:26-40
(World Council of Churches, 2023)This article reflects on our experiences of facilitating the Bible studies for the Just Community of Women and Men pre-assembly gathering to the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in August–September 2022. ... -
Black theologies of liberation: how should black lives matter theologically?
(The Ecumenical Review, 2022)This article introduces this thematic issue of The Ecumenical Review, which originates from a colloquium hosted at the University of the Western Cape on Black theologies. Our aim is to propose a set of theological frames ... -
African studies keywords: Queer
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)“Queer” is a relatively recent and somewhat controversial term in African studies. Yet it is proving to be productive, not only for understanding African subjectivities of sexuality and gender, but also for situating ... -
Expanding the boundaries through African women’s theologies
(Wiley, 2022)The development and key features of African women’s theologies, primarily through the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, has entered the mainstream of theological education, which could provide insights for ... -
Identity formation at the dawn of liturgical inculturation in the Ethiopian Episcopal Church
(AOSIS, 2023)This article reflects on the impact of the inculturation of liturgy in the Ethiopian Episcopal Church (EEC) on identity formation within the context of African Christianity. In the EEC, the quest for African Christian ... -
Black health, ethics, and global ecology
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2022)The reflections offered here come from someone the South African government classified as white or as European under apartheid, who continues to be classified in that manner under affirmative action, and who has worked at ... -
(Con)texturing ideologies of modesty, authority, and childbearing in 1 Timothy 2:8–15
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2022)Feminist and gender critical biblical scholarship hasshown how texts ideologically function as products of their ancient social and cultural norms. In my dissertation work on Pauline texts, through isolating ... -
Nigerian Pentecostal megachurches and development: A diaconal analysis of the redeemed Christian church of God
(MDPI, 2023)The Nigerian social, public, political and religious landscapes have changed significantly over time with the emergence and proliferation of Pentecostal megachurches. The majority of these churches are structured and ... -
Intersection of personhood and culture: A narrative approach of pastoral care to gender-based violence
(Klaasen, J. (2018). Intersection of personhood and culture: A narrative approach of pastoral care to gender-based violence. Scriptura ,117 (1), 1-11., 2018)What contribution does a narrative approach make to effective care for those affected by gender-based violence? Notwithstanding the contributions of feminist theologians who take experience and identity seriously (Ackermann ... -
Rulers or servants? A re-reading of psalm 8 concerning the place of humankind in the age of the anthropocene
(Stellenbosch University, 2022)With the Age of the Anthropocene and the clear signs of ecological destruction that have resulted from this rule of humans over the creation of God, it is essential that biblical scholars revisit the texts, both in the Old ... -
A journal for biblical, theological and / or contextual hermeneutics?
(Stellenbosch University, 2020)This contribution reflects on the current sub-title of the journal Scriptura, namely “Journal for Biblical, Theological and Hermeneutics”. It showsthat this has been a core interest of the journal over a period of forty ... -
What diagnosis? Which remedy? Critical reflections on the diagnostic overview of South Africa’s national planning commission
(Stellenbosch University, 2019)This contribution offers some critical reflections on the Diagnostic Overview produced by the South African National Planning Commission. The argument is structured in the form of catena and commentary with main sections ... -
Ethno-Regionalism, politics and the role of religion in Zambia: Changing Ecumenical landscapes in a Christian nation, 2015-2018
(Brill, 2019)This contribution explores the interaction between religion and politics in a religiously plural and ethnically multidimensional Zambian context. Given the political salience of both religion and ethnicity in Zambian ... -
Beyond a “Political Priest”: Exploring Desmond Tutu as a “Freedom-Fighter Mystic”
(Black Theology An International Journal, 2021)The purpose of this essay is to critically review the remarkably unique account of Desmond Tutu’s life presented by Michael Battle in his book “Desmond Tutu: A Spiritual Biography of South Africa’s Confessor.” The central ... -
Beyond a “political priest”: exploring Desmond Tutu as a “freedom-fighter mystic”
(Black Theology, 2021)The purpose of this essay is to critically review the remarkably unique account of Desmond Tutu’s life presented by Michael Battle in his book “Desmond Tutu: A Spiritual Biography of South Africa’s Confessor.” The central ... -
African Pentecostal churches and racialized xenophobia: International migrants as agents of transformational development?
(SAGE, 2022)Scholarship on Pentecostal potential and practice forms a significant part of the debate on religion and development, not least when the focus is on sub-Saharan Africa. Yet in this debate African Pentecostal migrant communities ... -
The Seventh-Day Adventist church and the quest for transformational development in contemporary Nigeria perspectives from an empirical study
(Southern African Missiological Society, 2022)This article discusses the findings of an empirical study that investigated the attitudes of different sections of the membership of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church to the socio-economic and political struggles ... -
Young people – citizens in times of climate change? A childist approach to human responsibility
(AOSIS, 2021)The matters of climate change are presently of concern existentially and ethically to the children and the youth. Worldwide school strikes in 2018–2019 and the Fridays for Future movement demonstrate how the young citizens ...