Determining an average distance from the external mandibular cortex to the inferior alveolar canal using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging: An aid to harvesting mandibular ramus autogenous grafts.
OBJECTIVES: To provide average measurements relating
the external mandibular cortex (EMC) to the inferior alveolar
canal (IAC) using CBCT.
METHODS: 100 CBCT images from UWC Dental hospital
patient database were analysed using CBCT software
(NewtomVGi Image works Corps) to produce coronal
slices at four defined points along the IAC. Each point
was measured from the IAC to the outer aspect of the
mandibular buccal cortex and to the alveolar ridge
crest (edentulous mandibles) or buccal cortical plate
crest (dentate mandibles). The paired t-test was used to
analyse right and left side measurements in order to test
for differences in right and left side means.
RESULTS: A mean width of 5.891mm (±1.09) from the IAC
to the EMC in the horizontal plane and a mean height
of 13.068mm (±2.963) from IAC to the alveolar crest or
buccal cortical plate was demonstrated. Mean height
was lower in edentulous mandibles (11.142mm in females;
13.490mm in males) than in dentate mandibles (12.916mm
in females; 14.102 in males). There was no significant
difference in width values. Height values were greater
in males (14.102mm) than in females (12.916mm), being
marginally significant (p-value of 0.00948:p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: These measurements are clinically applicable
when harvesting mandibular autogenous block grafts.