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South African institutions top THE Africa rankings pilot
Times Higher Education creates a top 15 table for Africa’s academies ahead of the inaugural THE Africa Universities Summit on 30-31 July
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An investigation into the use of emerging technologies to transform teaching and learning across differently positioned higher education institutions in south africa2
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)This paper reports on a project which was initiated in 2011 and which aims to learn more about emerging technologies in higher education in South Africa and their potential impact on enhancing learning in an inequitable ... -
Haunted Walks of District Six: Propositions for Counter-Surveying
(SAGE, 2022-02)This article traces a pedagogical trajectory in South African higher education that started in engineering education and leads to walking-as-research. Situated on District Six, a well-known site of apartheid forced removals, ... -
An evidence-based approach to learning and teaching during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
(José Frantz, 2021)On 5 March 2020, South Africa’s Health Minister confirmed that the first case of Covid-19 had been detected in the country and on 15 March the President announced a national state of disaster, followed by various measures ... -
The South African dental schools’ educational environment: Final year students’ perceptions at four dental schools
(JCDR Publishing, 2018)Introduction: The Educational Environment (EE) can play a major role in the success and progress of students and their studies. The EE includes the infrastructure, clinical activities, the atmosphere created by staff and ... -
Evaluation of assessment skills using essay rubrics in student self-grading at first year level in higher education: a case study
(South African Association for Language Teaching, 2018)This paper reports on a study in which students self-graded an assessment task with the aid of an assessment rubric. On comparing student selfgrades with those of the tutor it was found that majority (72.6%) of the students ... -
Dental clinical teachers' perceptions of their teaching role
(South African Dental Association, 2018)Introduction: Clinicians often occupy a clinical teaching role without being adequately prepared for or orientated to the associated demands. Aim: Explore perceptions of clinical teachers at the Faculty of Dentistry ... -
Incubating a slow pedagogy in professional academic development: An ethics of care perspective
(South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018)The current neoliberal impetus in higher education has effects on all aspects of academic life, including professional academic development. These effects include increasing workloads and more casualisation of academic ... -
“We don't really see a problem in music because that s**t makes you want to dance”: Reflections on possibilities and challenges of teaching gender through hip-hop
(Taylor and Francis, 2018)Hip-hop culture has been criticised as sexist and misogynist. It is also condemned for being exploitative of black women’s identity and for perpetuating gendered and sexualised assumptions about female musicians. This ... -
Reflecting on the process of teaching reflection in higher education
(Taylor and Francis, 2018)Higher education plays an important role in nurturing life-long learning and critical citizenry. One way to foster these is through developing a reflective practice. Given the importance of reflection, this article ... -
Development of students’ academic literacies viewed through a political ethics of care lens
(South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018)This article explores insights which the political ethics of care (Tronto 1993; 2013) offers to academic literacies development of students. Research on ethics of care has been conducted in contexts ranging from micro to ... -
A collaborative auto-ethnographic exploration of socially just practices by new academics in two South African higher education institutions
(South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018)Challenges experienced in the higher education context require new academics to engage with issues of social justice in their pedagogical practices. This article focuses on such challenges and how these are met by the ... -
Exploring participatory parity in higher education: experiences of social work students
(Department of Social Work, Stellenbosch University, 2018)This study uses the principle of participatory parity (PP) espoused by Fraser (2008, 2009) for exploring social work students’ experiences of enabling and constraining factors in advancing their engagement with and involvement ... -
Gender equality is a human problem’ Teaching men and masculinities in a South African undergraduate classroom’
(SUN press, 2018)What is transformation in contemporary South African higher education? How can it be facilitated through research and pedagogic practices? These questions are addressed in this edited collection by established academics ... -
Flipped out in the blended classroom, the good, the bad and the ugly: When academics become students
(Sabinet, 2018)This article explores the well-being of three academics from different higher education institutions and disciplines, as they engage in professional academic development (PAD) courses using technology. A collaborative ... -
Enriching the information systems curriculum to enable digital innovation capacity
(Sabinet, 2018)The diffusion of technology is opening up numerous opportunities to transform business and society through digital innovations are emerging as a result of the diffusion of technology. Information Systems (IS) education ... -
Towards an online institutional tutor programme at a higher institution of learning
(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2018)The University of the Western Cape (UWC) designed and developed a generic pilot Tutor Programme, in 2016. The Programme entails two components, namely, Generic Tutoring Skills; and Online Tutoring Skills. The generic ... -
Critical interdisciplinary dialogues: Towards a pedagogy of well-being in stem disciplines and fields
(South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018)Students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) globally and in South Africa are generally not in a state of well-being. International and South African research studies show that undergraduate ... -
"Operating at the limit of what was possible": A case study of facilitator experiences in an open online course
(James Nicholas Publishers, 2018)The experiences of course facilitators in connectivist-type MOOCs are poorly reported. Yet there is evidence that the values and beliefs of facilitators have an important impact on the learning experiences of participants, ... -
The mismatch between first-year students’ expectations and experience alongside university access and success: A South African university case study
(African Sun Media, 2018)The widening of access into higher education institutions in South Africa has rapidly transformed the student population to become more diverse. Students vary in age, race, culture, backgrounds, educational experiences, ... -
Sociocultural paradoxes and issues in e-learning use in higher education Africa
(Routledge, 2018)Sociocultural issues are major contributing factors in mass acceptance and effective use of technology. These issues are often perceived to contradict the benefits the technology brings about. E-learning use in ...