Commercialisation of land in Namibia’s communal land areas: A critical look at potential irrigation projects in Kavango East and Zambezi regions
Large-scale land acquisitions by both foreign
and local investors for agriculture, forestry
and wildlife purposes, among others, remain
a major challenge for African governments.
In recent years, the Namibian government
through various ministries received proposals
from multinational agribusiness to develop
large-scale agricultural irrigation projects.
However, only a few of these proposed largescale
projects have materialised or have been
operationalised. This study is aimed at investigating
land acquisitions by private and/
or foreign investors (large-scale agricultural
investors) in Namibia’s communal land areas.
The purpose of the study is, among others, to
ascertain the socio-economic impacts of such
deals on communities, whether legal requirements
are adhered to before land for such
deals is acquired or allocated, and whether
community members can protect or defend
their land rights or successfully oppose such
deals if such is not in their interest.