Now showing items 413-432 of 675

    • Oceans 

      Pancham, Kershan Vikram (Routledge, 2021)
      One day, long ago, a little boy was killed. He was used up, and discarded, and thrown away, left for secret dumping, the nameless dead, floating in a sea of sinking secrets.
    • Of borders and crossings: The lives of a healer in northern Mozambique 

      Israel, Paolo (Journal of Southern African Studies, 2022)
      Background: Daria Trentini’s book is a narrative exploration of the life and practice of a healer in the northern Mozambican city of Nampula. Ansha, the titular protagonist, was a Makonde migrant from the province of Cabo ...
    • ‘… Oi, oi! … you must go by the right path’: Mofolo’s Chaka revisited via the original text 

      Krog, Antjie (University of Pretoria, 2016)
      Thomas Mofolo never defended himself against accusations that his novel Chaka distorts historical facts to express anti-Nguni sentiments under the guise of Christianity. But in a way he foreshadowed the possibility of it, ...
    • Old ideas: wisdom, virtue and moral formation 

      Lawrie, Douglas G. (Stellenbosch University, 2013)
      The wisdom writings of the Old Testament may be regarded as largely a repository of ‘old ideas’ that were preserved across cultures and ages because they generally served human life. To study the material from this angle, ...
    • On and beyond artifacts in moral relations: accounting for power and violence in Coeckelbergh’s social relationism 

      Tollon, F; Naidoo, K (Springer, 2021)
      The ubiquity of technology in our lives and its culmination in artifcial intelligence raises questions about its role in our moral considerations. In this paper, we address a moral concern in relation to technological ...
    • On Jesus Christ as Mediator of creation 

      Conradie, Ernst (Stellenbosch University, 2013)
      This contribution offers reflection on two of Dirkie Smit's conversation partners, namely Herman Bavinck and Karl Barth. It notes that both are deeply Trinitarian theologians, but also that such a Trinitarian approach has ...
    • On social evil and natural evil: in conversation with Christopher Southgate 

      Conradie, Ernst (Wiley, 2018)
      In this contribution, the author engages in a conversation with Christopher Southgate on the relationship between social evil and what is called natural “evil.” Theologically, this centers around an understanding of creation ...
    • On uncertainty 

      Taylor, Jane (University of the Western Cape, Centre for Humanities, 2018)
      There is some uncertainty written into the form of this paper because, while it seeks to use scholarly procedures in engaging with the philosophical questions provoked by Ludwig Wittgenstein's late speculative essay On ...
    • Only a fully trinitarian theology will do, but where can that be found? 

      Conradie, Ernst (Stellenbosch University, 2013)
      The argument of this contribution, departing from a famous article by Arnold van Ruler, is that a fully Trinitarian theology requires attention to God's work and not only God's identity and character. The three relationships ...
    • Ons is Boesmans: commentary on the naming of Bushmen in the southern Kalahari 

      Ellis, William F. (National Inquiry Services Centre, 2015)
      This paper examines academic debates about the nomenclature of the San in light of recent ethnographic data. Academic debates centre around two aspects: the apparent complicity of the term “bushman” in construing the San ...
    • "Ons skryf soos ons praat": Informalisering van geskrewe Afrikaans onder Afrikaanse tieners 

      Saal, Elvis; Lawrence, Donovan (LitNet, 2019)
      Taal is voortdurend aan die verander, en een van die kragte wat op taalverandering inwerk, is informalisering, dit is die integrasie van spreektaalvorme in die skryftaal. Daar is, sover vasgestel kon word, nog geen studies ...
    • Oral literature in South Africa: 20 years on 

      Brown, Duncan (Taylor & Francis, 2016)
      I offer a retrospective on the field of orality and performance studies in South Africa from the perspective of 2016, assessing what has been achieved, what may have happened inadvertently or worryingly, what some of the ...
    • Orders of protection: Feminist lessons in anti-privatization and authoritarianism from South Africa 

      Gillespie, Kelly (Society for Cultural Anthropology, 2022)
      The feminist adage “the personal is political” is not ahistorical. It is being operationalized in a time when the relationship between the private and the public is undergoing historic transformation. Making privatized ...
    • The organisation of urban agriculture in Cape Town, South Africa: A social capital perspective 

      Kanosvamhira, Tinashe Paul (Routledge, 2019)
      This article explores urban agriculture in Cape Town and its organisational forms. Based on a literature review of peerreviewed articles and grey literature, it examines the state of linkages among urban farmers and ...
    • Outcomes-based education and non-English mother tongue speakers from disadvantaged environments: a double-edged handicap to acquiring information literacy 

      Zinn, Sandy (Unisa Press, 2000)
      Information literacy is the ability to access and critically engage with information, and to communicate new understandings which lead to knowledge and wisdom. Information literacy skills are incorporated in our ...
    • 'Pale face'/ 'pointy face': SA criminology in denial 

      Henkeman, Sarah (Institute for Security Studies (ISS), 2013)
      This paper responds to key aspects of Bill Dixon's article, Understanding 'Pointy Face': What is criminology for? It suggests that criminology should unambiguously be 'for' social justice in South Africa's transhistoric ...
    • Paper regimes 

      Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Uma (University of the Western Cape, 2014)
      In 1915 Baba Bapoo, a store assistant in Cape Town, was thrown into a state of great mental and emotional stress when he lost his permit en route to India. This was the only document that could guarantee his re-admission ...
    • Parents resist sexuality education through digital activism 

      Ngabaza, Sisa (SAGE Publications, 2022)
      South Africa has high rates of HIV infection among its young population, high rates of unintended pregnancy among the youth, and extremely high rates of gender-based violence. Given all this, it is essential that young people ...
    • Participating unequally: Student experiences at UWC 

      Clowes, Lindsay; Shefer, Tamara; Ngabaza, Sisa (UNISA Press, 2017)
      This paper uses Nancy Fraser’s concept of participatory parity to reflect on data gathered by and from third year students in a final year research module in the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at the University of ...
    • Participatory relationships matter: Doctoral students traversing the academy 

      Veronica, Mitchell; Gredley, Susan; Carette, Lieve (SAGE Publications, 2022)
      In this article, we take our thoughts for a walk through our three different doctoral journeys and experiences with the Post Philosophies and the Doing of Inquiry Webinar Series (2020–2021). The webinars presented an ...