COVID-19: Are community development scientists missing in action or missing the action?
While the world waits in anticipation for a vaccine against the
Covid-19 virus, controlling the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic is
all about managing the movement of people. The lockdown principle introduced in many countries aims to keep people in their
respective communities, which also means the closure of many
formal to the informal local economies. During these times, politicians all over the world rely heavily on the input of scientists when
making decisions. Amongst the scientists who seem to play
a central role in this process are epidemiologists and economists.
But, if this change process is also about communities and communal life, where are the community development experts? Everybody
talks about moving to a “new normal” in our societies. If this is to be
true, why are the community development specialists so quiet
whilst it is all about restoring our communal life?