Leading with heart: Academic leadership during the COVID-19 crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every sphere of life. It has brought into sharp focus
not only the critical role that leaders have to play in taking charge of their organisations and
employees, but the complexity of that leadership role, too. The authors of this paper are both
psychologists who occupy leadership positions in a university. The paper briefly explores the
evolution of leadership theory, leadership in times of crises, generally, and leadership during
the time of COVID-19. In addition, one of the authors offers a personal note on the leadership
experience during COVID-19. What became clear during the reflections was that empathy,
vulnerability, self-awareness and agility were some of the qualities needed during this crisis. In
addition, the psychodynamic concept of containment appears very relevant in managing the
affective intensity experienced by staff and students. Leaders were expected to not only fully
understand the meaning of empathy and compassion, but to know how to sincerely demonstrate
these qualities to staff and students alike.