Leptin deficiency, caused by malnutrition, makes you susceptible to sars-cov-2 infection but could offer protection from severe Covid-19
In much of the developing world, severe malnutrition is the most prevalent cause of immunodeficiency and affects up to 50% of the population in some
impoverished communities. As yet, we do not know how severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) will behave in populations with immunodeficiency caused by malnourishment. Interestingly, researchers are now speculating
that, in some instances, a defective cellular immune system could paradoxically be a
protective factor against severe disease in certain patients contracting SARS-CoV and
SARS-CoV-2. This could be linked to the absence of T-cell activation. Based on available information presented here, it is plausible that the hyperimmune response, and
subsequent cytokine storm often associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19), could be “counteracted” by the defective immune response seen in individuals with malnutrition-induced leptin deficiency. In this paper, we proposed a
theory that although those with malnutrition-linked leptin deficiency are at risk of
SARS-CoV-2 infection, they are at lower risk of developing severe COVID-19.