The meertime pulsar timing array: A census of emission properties and timing potential
MeerTime is a five-year Large Survey Project to time pulsars with MeerKAT, the 64-dish South African precursor to the Square Kilometre
Array. The science goals for the programme include timing millisecond pulsar (MSPs) to high precision (<1µs) to study the Galactic MSP
population and to contribute to global efforts to detect nanohertz gravitational waves with the International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA). In
order to plan for the remainder of the programme and to use the allocated time most efficiently, we have conducted an initial census with the
MeerKAT ‘L-band’ receiver of 189 MSPs visible to MeerKAT and here present their dispersion measures, polarisation profiles, polarisation
fractions, rotation measures, flux density measurements, spectral indices, and timing potential. As all of these observations are taken with
the same instrument (which uses coherent dedispersion, interferometric polarisation calibration techniques, and a uniform flux scale), they
present an excellent resource for population studies. We used wideband pulse portraits as timing standards for each MSP and demonstrated
that the MeerTime Pulsar Timing Array (MPTA) can already contribute significantly to the IPTA as it currently achieves better than 1 µs
timing accuracy on 89 MSPs (observed with fortnightly cadence).