First observation of the coexistence of multiple chiral doublet bands and pseudospin doublet bands in the A ≈ 80 mass region
Two nearly degenerate positive-parity bands with the π g2
9/2 ⊗ ν g−1
9/2 configuration and three nearly
degenerate negative-parity bands with the π g9/2(p3/2, f5/2) ⊗ ν g−1
9/2 configuration have been identified
in 81Kr. They are interpreted as chiral doublet bands and pseudospin-chiral triplet bands, which is
supported by the constrained covariant density functional theory and the multiparticle plus rotor
model calculations. The present work reports two new chiral configurations π g2
9/2 ⊗ ν g−1
9/2 and
π g9/2(p3/2, f5/2) ⊗ ν g−1
9/2, and the first example of pseudospin-chiral triplet bands involving the
π (p3/2, f5/2) pseudospin doublet.