Training community care workers to provide comprehensive TB⁄HIV⁄PMTCT integrated care in KwaZulu-Natal: Lessons learnt
To describe a participatory approach to implement and evaluate ways to integrate and traincommunity care workers (CCWs) to enhance collaborative TB⁄HIV⁄PMTCT activities, and home-basedHIV counseling and testing (HCT) at community level. The intervention study was conducted in Sisonke, a rural district of KwaZulu Natal, SouthAfrica. A baseline household (HH) survey was conducted in 11 villages. Six villages were randomlyselected into intervention and control clusters. Training was provided first to CCWs from the inter-vention cluster (IC) followed by the control cluster (CC). Routine monthly data from CCWs werecollected from March–December 2010. The data was subjected to bivariate tests.