Review: Groundwater recharge estimation in northern China karst regions
Reliable estimates of groundwater recharge are crucial for the groundwater resources evaluating and sustainable utilization plans formulating. To protect the precious karst groundwater resources, this paper critically reviewed the previous studies on karst groundwater recharge in northern China karst regions from the perspective of diffuse recharge and focused recharge, and took Niangziguan Spring catchment as a case study. It is concluded that for the 119 karst groundwater systems, 52% occur diffuse recharge through precipitation infiltration, 48% occur both diffuse recharge through precipitation infiltration and focused recharge through surface water leakage. The mean annual precipitation, diffuse recharge and infiltration coefficient (IC, as percentage of precipitation) are 560 mm, 136 mm and 23.1%, respectively. A high correlation was observed between annual precipitation and annual diffuse recharge with a nonlinear relationship. The IC can vary substantially even with the same annual precipitation between 9.3 and 38.0%, with an evidently increasing trend eastward. This reflects a significant difference in the degree of karstification for the northern karst regions. The most commonly applied for recharge assessment in northern China karst regions is equal volume spring flow method, the chloride mass balance method is highly recommended for groundwater recharge estimation of the regions based on the case study. This work provides reference for recharge estimation, assessment and management of karst groundwater resources in northern China.