Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Cosmology with a SKA HI intensity mapping survey 

      Santos, Mario G.; Bull, Philip; Alonso, David; Camera, Stefano; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Bernardi, Gianni; Maartens, Roy; Viel, Matteo; Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco; Abdalla, Filipe B.; Jarvis, Matt; Metcalf, R. Benton; Pourtsidou, A.; Wolz, Laura (Proceedings of Science, 2014)
      HI intensity mapping (IM) is a novel technique capable of mapping the large-scale structure of the Universe in three dimensions and delivering exquisite constraints on cosmology, by using HI as a biased tracer of the ...
    • The fore ground transfer function for H I intensity mapping signal reconstruction: MeerKLASS and precision cosmology applications 

      Cunnington, Steven; Wolz, Laura; Bull, Philip (Oxford University Press, 2023)
      Blind cleaning methods are currently the preferred strategy for handling foreground contamination in single-dish H I intensity mapping surv e ys. Despite the increasing sophistication of blind techniques, some signal loss ...