Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Communicating in designing an oral repository for rural African villages 

      Reitmaier, Thomas; Bidwell, Nicola J.; Siya, Masbulele Jay; Marsden, Gary; Tucker, William David (IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2012)
      We describe designing an asynchronous, oral repository and sharing system that we intend to suit the needs and practices of rural residents in South Africa. We aim to enable users without access to personal computers to ...
    • Designing mobile phone interfaces for age diversity in South Africa: “One-World” versus diverse “Islands” 

      Renaud, Karen; Blignaut, Renette; Venter, Isabella M. (Springer, 2013)
      Designing for diversity is a laudable aim. How to achieve this, in the context of mobile phone usage by South African seniors, is a moot point. We considered this question from two possible perspectives: universal ...
    • Graphs, designs and codes related to the n-cube 

      Fish, W; Key, J D; Mwambene, E (Elsivier, 2009)
      For integers n 1; k 0, and k n, the graph 􀀀 k n has vertices the 2n vectors of Fn 2 and adjacency defined by two vectors being adjacent if they differ in k coordinate positions. In particular 􀀀 1 n is the ...
    • Unmasking community trust issues in rural field work 

      Ufitamahoro, Marie Josée; Venter, Isabella M.; Tucker, William David; Rey-Moreno, Carlos (ACM, 2013)
      The principal objective of this paper is to describe the au thor's fieldwork and research in a remote rural area of South Africa, where a Village Telco is deployed to provide Voice over Internet Protocol on a wireless mesh ...