Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • Africa, prisons and COVID-19 

      Muntingh, Lukas (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      Africa’s prisons are a long-standing concern for rights defenders given the prevalence of rights abuses, overcrowding, poor conditions of detention and the extent to which the criminal justice system is used to target ...
    • Arrested in Africa: An Exploration of the Issues 

      Muntingh, Lukas (Dullah Omar Institute, 2015)
      Recent research and advocacy efforts have drawn attention to the excessive use of and prolonged pre-trial detention in Africa. At any given moment there are roughly 1 million people in Africa’s prisons. Far more move ...
    • Children deprived of their liberty: protection from torture and ill treatment 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Tygerberg: Medical Research Council, 2012)
      Children deprived of their liberty by the state are, as a result of state officials’ action or inaction, at the risk of death, torture, and ill treatment. Three types of places of detention are discussed, namely prisons, ...
    • Corruption in the prison context 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, 2006)
      The point of departure of this paper is that, in general, corruption is a human rights issue, which is accentuated in the prison context given the nature of imprisonment. Three factors create an intrinsic risk for corruption ...
    • Ex-prisoners' views on imprisonment and re-entry 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, 2009)
      This research project gathered information from ex-prisoners about their experiences during and after imprisonment. Knowing what prison system users think and say about the system is important because they are ultimately ...
    • Policy and practice in South African prisons: an update 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (Law, Democracy & Development, 2005)
      In June 2003, the Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative (CSPRI) released a policy review concerning major developments in penal policy in South Africa since the advent of constitutionalism in 1994. This paper was widely ...
    • Policy and practice in South African prisons: an update 

      Sloth-Nielsen, Julia (University of the Western Cape, 2005)
      Julia Sloth-Nielsen points to challenges in the correctional system that South Africa's new constitutional democracy was faced with, including the deep-rooted militaristic tradition that needed to be replaced and the ...
    • Prisoners’ right of access to antiretroviral treatment 

      Mbazira, Christopher (ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2006)
      Prisoners are susceptible to a number of illness and diseases due, in part, to poor living conditions in prisons (e.g. overcrowding and poor nutrition), substance abuse and sexual violence (e.g. male rape). From a health ...
    • Prisons in South Africa's constitutional democracy 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2007-10)
      In this article it will be argued that to make prisons compatible with a constitutional democracy, as understood in South Africa, four requirements need to be met. First, the prison system must have an underlying philosophical ...
    • Prisons, the law and overcrowding 

      Ballard, Claire (Wits University Press, 2014)
      This chapter is about a long-standing problem in the South African criminal justice sector that, despite an overhaul of the prison legislation after the enactment of the final Constitution, continues, twenty years on, to ...
    • Reducing prison violence: implications from the literature for South Africa 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, 2009)
      In the past 15 years the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has faced numerous challenges whilst trying to re‐invent itself. This has not been an easy road and in many regards the route to penetrative transformation ...
    • A Review of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons of South 

      Jagwanth, Saras (Law, Democracy & Development, 2005)
      Independent prison inspectorates and the oversight of prisons by laymen are designed to contribute to improving prison conditions and protecting the human rights of prisoners. The South African model, the Judicial Inspectorate ...
    • Sexual violence in prisons – Part 1: The duty to provide safe custody and the nature of prison sex 

      Lukas, Muntingh; Zain, Satardien (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 2011)
      While the exact extent of sexual victimisation in prisons amongst men is uncertain, it is accepted that this is a universal phenomenon. This article, in two parts, examines sexual violence in South African prisons and ...
    • Sexual violence in prisons – Part 2: The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act (32 of 2007) – its implications for male rape in prisons and the Department of Correctional Services 

      Lukas, Muntingh; Zain, Satardien (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 2011)
      The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act (32 of 2007), referred to here as the Sexual Offences Act (SOA), established in law a gender-neutral definition of rape and this has important implications ...
    • Surveying the prisons landscape - what the numbers tell us 

      Lukas, Muntingh (Law, Democracy & Development, 2005)
      This article will make observations and describe trends using available prison statistics in order to offer a quantitative perspective on the issues of democracy and human rights in South African prisons. In chis sense, ...
    • Ten years after the Jali Commission: assessing the state of South Africa's prisons 

      Lukas, Muntingh (South African Crime Quaterly, 2016-12)
      Ten years have lapsed since the Jali Commission’s final report became publicly available, and it is therefore an opportune time to assess the state of South Africa’s prison system. The Jali Commission was appointed when ...