Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Derrida, the conditional and the unconditional 

      De Ville, Jacques (Juta Law, 2007)
      In his recent book, Law and Sacrifice: Towards a Post-Apartheid Theory of Law, Johan van der Walt gives a clear exposition of the possible impact of inter alia Jacques Derrida's thinking on law. In this article, the book ...
    • The Gift and the meaning-giving subject: A Reading of Given Time 

      De Ville, Jacques (Springer, 2010)
      In this essay the relation between justice and the gift in Derrida’s thinking is explored. The essay shows that an understanding of the ontological difference or the relation between Being and beings in Heidegger’s thinking ...
    • Rethinking the notion of a 'higher law': Heidegger and Derrida on the Anaximander fragment 

      De Ville, Jacques (Springer, 2009)
      The Anaximander fragment, in the readings of both Heidegger and Derrida, speaks of that which exceeds positive law. In this article, the author provides a detailed reading of Heidegger’s Der Spruch des Anaximander, showing ...