Browsing by Title
Now showing items 5158-5177 of 8066
Pain as a reason for primary care visits: cross-sectional survey in a rural and periurban health clinic in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
(South Africa Academy of Family Physicians, 2012)Background: The burden of pain in primary care has not been described for South Africa. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of pain in primary care and to characterise pain among adult patients attending a rural ... -
'Pale face'/ 'pointy face': SA criminology in denial
(Institute for Security Studies (ISS), 2013)This paper responds to key aspects of Bill Dixon's article, Understanding 'Pointy Face': What is criminology for? It suggests that criminology should unambiguously be 'for' social justice in South Africa's transhistoric ... -
Palladium-gold nanoalloy surface modified limn2o4 cathode for enhanced li-ion battery
(Hindawi, 2015)Au with Pd nanoparticles were synthesized and coated onto the spinel LiMn2O4 via a coprecipitation calcination method with the objective to improve the microstructure, conductivity, and electrochemical activities of ... -
Palliative care for terminally ill inmates: Does the state have a legal obligation?
(Juta Law, 2012)‘We ought to give those who are to leave life … the terminally ill … the same care and attention that we give those who enter life – the new-born.’1 In this article it is contended that terminally ill inmates have a right ... -
Palygorskite hybridized carbon nanocomposite as a high-performance electrocatalyst support for formic acid oxidation
(South African Chemical Institute (SACI), 2013)A nanocomposite, in which acid-treated palygorskite was hybridized with carbon, was prepared and designed as an efficient support for electrocatatlysts. Pd nanoparticles were deposited on the hybrid support as an ... -
Pan-African initiatives in global governance
(2013)As recently as 2009, a five hundred page textbook on international relations did not even mention the African Union in its index. The same applied to the Wikipedia entry on international organizations until a colleague of ... -
The pandemic of online research in times of COVID-19
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an explosion of online research using rating scales. While this approach can be useful, two of the major challenges affecting the quality of this type of research include selection bias and ... -
A panel data analysis of the formal-informal sector labour market linkages in South Africa
(Routledge, 2019)This study explores the labour market linkages between the informal and formal sectors, using the first four waves of the National Income Dynamics Study data. The main focus is on three groups of employed: worked in the ... -
A Panel of Ancestry Informative Markers for the Complex Five-Way Admixed South African Coloured Population
(PloS, 2013)Admixture is a well known confounder in genetic association studies. If genome-wide data is not available, as would be the case for candidate gene studies, ancestry informative markers (AIMs) are required in order to adjust ... -
Pansharpened landsat 8 thermal-infrared data for improved land surface temperature characterization in a heterogeneous urban landscape
(Elsevier, 2022)Challenges associated with adolescents are prevalent in South African societies. During the adolescence stage, children may become involved in deviant behaviour. Although a significant number of studies have focused on the ... -
Paper regimes
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)In 1915 Baba Bapoo, a store assistant in Cape Town, was thrown into a state of great mental and emotional stress when he lost his permit en route to India. This was the only document that could guarantee his re-admission ... -
The paracrine effect of hypoxic and normoxic cancer secretion on the proliferation of brain endothelial cells (bend.3)
(MDPI, 2022): Background: This study aimed to investigate the disruption of cell cycle phases of bEnd.3 cells exposed to cancer paracrine secretion. Cancer cells have been reported to use the secretion of paracrine factors to ... -
A paradigm shift in African men and health- the case of oral health
(South African Dental Association, 2014)It has been widely documented that men, especially those of African origin, will seek medical attention only when they experience serious ill health. In African settings, this reluctance is mostly influenced by their ... -
The paradox of youth empowerment: Exploring youth intervention programme in Ghana
(Cogent OA, 2018)Empowerment is a necessary determinant of young people’s participation in national, regional and district or local level decision-making processes. For inclusiveness in any social intervention programme, the policy process ... -
The paradoxical effects of being a cost centre manager at a public hospital in Limpopo Province, South Africa
(AFAHPER-SD, 2014)The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of being a cost centre manager at a public hospital in Limpopo Province, South Africa. A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and contextual research design was used. ... -
Parallel Policies: Policies relevant to child safety
(Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention, 2007)The Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention’s 2005 National Youth Victimisation Study indicated the need to explore existing policy impacting on children from a social crime prevention perspective within a rights-based ... -
Paramedics, poetry, and film: Health policy and systems research at the intersection of theory, art, and practice
(Human Resources for Health, 2019)Violence is a public health issue. It is the consequence of a complex set of interacting political, social, and economic factors firmly rooted in past and current injustice. South Africa remains one of the most unequal ... -
Paramedics, poetry, and film: Health policy and systems research at the intersection of theory, art, and practice
(BMC, 2019)Violence is a public health issue. It is the consequence of a complex set of interacting political, social, and economic factors firmly rooted in past and current injustice. South Africa remains one of the most ... -
Parental acceptance of silver fluoride as a treatment option for carious lesions among South African children with special health care needs
(Frontiers Media [Commercial Publisher], 2023)Providing dental care for children with neurological special health care needs, including Down syndrome, Cerebral palsy and Autism spectrum disorders, is challenging. They often require repeat exposure to sedation or general ... -
Parental Care and the Best Interest of the Child in Muslim Countries
(T.M.C. Asser Press The Hague, 2017)This chapter on South Africa critically analyses the evolution of the concept of the best interests of the child, and specifically how it pertains to the fields of care (custody), contact (access), guardianship and ...