Browsing Research Articles (Mathematics) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
Generalizing the Hilton–Mislin genus group
(Elsevier, 2001)For any group H, let H be the set of all isomorphism classes of groups K such that K H . For a finitely generated group H having finite commu- Ž .tator subgroup H, H , we define a group structure on H ... -
Graphs, designs and codes related to the n-cube
(Elsivier, 2009)For integers n 1; k 0, and k n, the graph k n has vertices the 2n vectors of Fn 2 and adjacency defined by two vectors being adjacent if they differ in k coordinate positions. In particular 1 n is the ... -
Numerical treatment of Kap's equation using a class of fourth order method
(Academic Journals, 2011)Kap's equation is a stiff initial value problem. This paper deals with the treatment of Kap's equation using a class of 4th order explicit Runge-Kutta method. Numerical computation was carried out using Microsoft Visual ... -
Fifth order two-stage explicit Runge-Kutta-Nystrom method for the direct integration of second order ordinary differential equations
(Academic Journals, 2012)In this paper a direct integration of second-order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) of the form using the Explicit Runge-Kutta-Nystrom method with higher derivatives is presented. Various numerical schemes are derived ... -
An assessment of the age reporting in Tanzania population census
(Academic Research Publishing, 2012)The objective of this paper is to provide data users with a worldwide assessment of the age reporting in the Tanzania Population Census 2012 data. Many demographic and socio-economic data are age-sex attributed. However, ... -
Optimal strategy for controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS disease: A case study of South Africa
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2012)HIV/AIDS disease continues to spread alarmingly despite the huge amounts of resources invested infighting it. There is a need to integrate the series of control measures available to ensure a consistentreduction ... -
Modeling the dynamics of an epidemic under vaccination in two interacting populations
(Hindawi, 2012)Mathematical modeling of the numerical evolution of infectious diseases has become an important tool for disease control and eradication when possible. Much work has been done on the problem of how a given population is ... -
Implicit-explicit predictor-corrector methods combined with improved spectral methods for pricing European style vanilla and exotic options
(Kent State University, 2013)In this paper we present a robust numerical method to solve several types of European style option pricing problems. The governing equations are described by variants of Black-Scholes partial differential equations (BS-PDEs) ... -
Stability of an SEIR epidemic model with indepenent stochastic perturbations
(Elsevier, 2013)For an epidemic model of the type mentioned, we prove a theorem on almost sure exponential stability of the disease-free equilibrium. For small values of the diffusion parameter, σ, we describe the stability of the disease ... -
A fitted numerical method for singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-diffusion problems
(Spring Verlag, 2013)This paper treats a time-dependent singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem. We semidiscretize the problem in time by means of the classical backward Euler method. We develop a fitted operator finite difference ... -
Contour integral method for European options with jumps
(Elsevier, 2013)We develop an efficient method for pricing European options with jump on a single asset. Our approach is based on the combination of two powerful numerical methods, the spectral domain decomposition method and the Laplace ... -
An unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method applied to a mathematical model of HIV infection
(De Gruyter Open, 2013)We formulate and analyze an unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method for a mathematical model of HIV transmission dynamics. The dynamics of this model are studied using the qualitative theory of dynamical ... -
The fibre of a pinch map in a model category
(Springer Verlag, 2013)In the category of pointed topological spaces, let F be the homotopy fibre of the pinching map X ∪ CA → X ∪ CA/ X from the mapping cone on a cofibration A → X onto the suspension of A. Gray (Proc Lond Math Soc (3) ... -
A model for control of HIV/AIDS with parental care
(World Scientific Publishing, 2013)In this study we investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in a population which experiences a significant flow of immigrants. We derive and analyze a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of HIV infection among the ... -
Multiplication of Crowns
(Instituto de Matematica de Bahia Blanca (INMABB-CONICET), 2013)It is known that the only nite topological spaces that are H-spaces are the discrete spaces. For a nite poset which is weakly equivalent to an H-space, a generalized multiplication may be found after suitable ... -
A robust spectral method for solving Heston’s model
(Springer Verlag, 2014)In this paper, we consider the Heston’s volatility model (Heston in Rev. Financ. Stud. 6: 327–343, 1993]. We simulate this model using a combination of the spectral collocation method and the Laplace transforms method. ... -
An optimal portfolio and capital management strategy for basel III compliant commercial banks
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014)We model a Basel III compliant commercial bank that operates in a financial market consisting of a treasury security, a marketable security, and a loan and we regard the interest rate in the market as being stochastic. We ... -
Binary codes and partial permutation decoding sets from the odd graphs
(Walter de Gruyter, 2014)For k ≥ 1, the odd graph denoted by O(k), is the graph with the vertex-set Ω{k} , the set of all k-subsets of Ω = {1, 2, . . . , 2k + 1}, and any two of its vertices u and v constitute an edge [u, v] if and only if u ∩ ... -
Performance of Richardson extrapolation on some numerical methods for a singularly perturbed turning point problem whose solution has boundary layers
(KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2014)Investigation of the numerical solution of singularly perturbed turning point problems dates back to late 1970s. However, due to the presence of layers, not many high order schemes could be developed to solve such problems. ... -
Protein interaction networks as metric spaces: A novel perspective on distribution of hubs
(BMC, 2014)In the post-genomic era, a central and overarching question in the analysis of protein-protein interaction networks continues to be whether biological characteristics and functions of proteins such as lethality, physiological ...