Now showing items 11-20 of 47
Reforming communal land tenure in South Africa – why land titling is not the answer: Critical comments on the communal land rights bill, 2002
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2002)
The long-awaited draft Communal Land Rights Bill sets out government’s proposals to resolve urgent land tenure problems in the former ‘homeland’ areas, where most rural South Africans still live, and where land is registered ...
Access to land and rural poverty in South Africa
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2012-09)
The big picture: some history
• Large-scale land dispossession from 1652 into the late 20th century
• 1913 and 1936 Land Acts: African majority confined to 13% of country
• Forced removals in apartheid years: 2.5 million ...
The political economy of global and regional agro-food system change
Changes in the BRICS countries:
What are key similarities/differences between the agrarian structures of Brazil, China and South Africa? What are the dynamics of change within these BRICS countries, in relation to the ...
Directions for land reform – what might another Green Paper propose? Alternative options and their ideological underpinnings
International and SA debates: 4 broad approaches & loose coalitions
• “Modernist-conservative”/modernisation: support the existing structure of agriculture (capital intensive farming in large units) but deracialise LSCF ...
Submission to the Constitutional Review Committee
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2018)
Securing land and resource rights in Africa: Pan-African perspectives
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2004)
Across the African continent the land and resource rights
of the rural poor are threatened by inappropriate policies
and institutions (including global treaties); unequal social,
political and economic relations; the ...
Social reproduction of ‘classes of labour’ in the rural areas of South Africa: contradictions and contestations
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Marxist agrarian political economy has focused largely on the problematic of accumulation and its politics, but the dynamics of social reproduction in rural contexts remain somewhat undertheorised. These are explored through ...
Radical land reform is key to sustainable rural development in South Africa
(Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2002)
Sustainable rural development in 21st century South Africa will never be achieved without a radical assault on the structural
underpinnings of poverty and inequality inherited from three centuries of oppression and ...
Exporting contradictions: the expansion of South African agrarian capital within Africa
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)
Agrarian change in South Africa over the past two decades has seen consolidation of the hegemony of large-scale commercial farming and corporate agribusiness within agro-food systems. Constrained domestic demand and growth ...
Final Report
(GTAC, 2020-03-31)
This study focuses on the potential contribution of redistributive land reform to employment creation. Can land redistribution be undertaken in a manner that also creates jobs, and if so, through which types of land use ...