Current status of fuel cell based combined heat and power systems forresidential sector
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the sequential or simultaneous generation of multiple forms of usefulenergy, usually electrical and thermal, in a single and integrated system. Implementing CHP systems inthe current energy sector may solve energy shortages, climate change and energy conservation issues.This review paper is divided into six sections: thefirst part defines and classifies the types of fuel cellused in CHP systems; the second part discusses the current status of fuel cell CHP (FC-CHP) around theworld and highlights the benefits and drawbacks of CHP systems; the third part focuses on techniques formodelling CHP systems. The fourth section gives a thorough comparison and discussion of the two mainfuel cell technologies used in FC-CHP (PEMFC and SOFC), characterising their technical performance andrecent developments from the major manufacturers. Thefifth section describes all the main componentsof FC-CHP systems and explains the issues connected with their practical application. The last partsummarises the above, and reflects on micro FC-CHP system technology and its future prospects.