Browsing Socio-Economic Rights Project (SERP) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 130
Social Citizenship: A Precondition for Meaningful Democracy
(Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, 1999)In 1959, the scholar, TH Marshall, analysed the historical development of those features that were vital to effective 'citizenship'. He viewed democratisation as a progression, spanning three centuries. Civil rights were ... -
South Africa's evolving jurisprudence on socio-economic rights: An effective tool in challenging poverty
(Law, Democracy & Development, 2002)The drafters of the Constitution clearly envisaged a far-reaching role for it in the transformation of post-apartheid society.' Among the key aims of the Constitution is to "improve the quality of life of all citizens and ... -
Universal access to social security rights: can a basic income grant meet the challenge?
(ESR Review, 2002)Access to social assistance for those unable to support themselves and their dependants is a fundamental human right enshrined in the Constitution. In March this year, the Committee of Inquiry into a Comprehensive System ... -
The courts and socio-economic rights: carving out a role
(ESR Review, 2002)Although the jurisprudence on the socio-economic rights in the Bill of Rights is still in its infancy, the number of cases coming before the courts is gathering momentum. In particular, the Constitutional Court judgment ... -
A path to realising economic, social and cultural rights in Africa? A critique of the New Partnership for Africa's Development
(African Human Rights Law Journal, 2004)he article first sets out the legal framework for the protection of socio-economic and cultural rights in Africa. Some of the reasons that have been advanced for the non-realisation of socio-economic rights as compared to ... -
Reading the right to food into the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights : Africa's regional developments
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2004)The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Charter) of 1981 is the principal regional instrument protecting human and peoples’ rights in Africa. It incorporates a wide range of socio-economic rights, including ... -
The New Partnership for Africa's Development : implications for the realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2004)The New Partnership for Africa's Development : Implications for the realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa Christopher Mbazira The realisation of socio-economic rights in Africa remains a distant goal. The majority ... -
Giving money to children: the state's constitutional obligations to provide child support grants to child headed households
(South African Journal on Human Rights, 2004)One of the most tangible effects of the HIV epidemic is the growing number of orphans and the emergence in ever increasing amounts of households headed by children. These new family configurations pose a wide range of ... -
Basic rights claims How responsive is ‘reasonableness review’?
(ESR Review, 2004)South Africa’s 1996 Constitution (the Constitution) is widely renowned for its holistic, inclusive Bill of Rights. A particular innovation is its inclusion of a wide range of fully justiciable socio-economic rights. There ... -
The value of human dignity in interpreting socio-economic rights
(South African Journal on Human Rights, 2005)There has been considerable criticism of the use of human dignity as a guiding value in the context of South Africa's equality jurisprudence. What are the implications of the use of the value in socio-economic rights ... -
Breaking new ground : the need for a protocol to the African Charter on the abolition of the death penalty in Africa
(African Human Rights Law Journal, 2005)The 1980s saw the drafting and adoption of international treaties on the abolition of the death penalty. In the European and Inter-American human rights systems, steps have been taken to abolish the death penalty by means ... -
Conference “Seeking security: Towards a new vision for tenure relations in farming areas”
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2005)Nkuzi Development Association (NDA) in partnership with Social Surveys Africa (SSA) organised a conference on the tenure security of farm dwellers, which was held in Johannesburg from 25–27 October 2005. -
The right to health and the nature of The right to health and the nature of socio-economic rights obligations under the African Charter The Purohit case
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2005)The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter) guarantees a broad range of economic, social and cultural rights (socio-economic rights) as well as civil and political rights. -
Initiating constructive debate: a critical reflection on the death penalty in Africa
(Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 2006)For the first time in the agenda of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, during the 36th Ordinary Session (2004), the death penalty was one of the issues discussed. Commissioner Chirwa initiated debate on ... -
Needs, rights and transformation: adjudicating social rights
(Stellenbosch Law Review, 2006)One of the most contested issues in South Africa’s burgeoning jurisprudence on social rights relates to how the courts should enforce the duties imposed by these rights. Debate has focused in particular on the extent to ... -
Prisoners’ right of access to antiretroviral treatment
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2006)Prisoners are susceptible to a number of illness and diseases due, in part, to poor living conditions in prisons (e.g. overcrowding and poor nutrition), substance abuse and sexual violence (e.g. male rape). From a health ... -
Giving effect to the right to adequate housing : the need for a coherent (national) policy on special needs housing : legislationtion and policy review
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2006)According to the Centre for Housing Rights and Evictions (2006), the right to housing is one of the most widely violated human rights. Over a billion people worldwide have inadequate housing -
The Draft Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(ESR Review : Economic and Social Rights in South Africa, 2006)Historically, economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) have received less protection through enforcement mechanisms than civil and political rights. Victims of ESC rights violations do not have the opportunity of ... -
Fair Trial Rights and Their Relation to the Death Penalty in Africa
(International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2006)A fair trial is a basic element of the notion of the rule of law, and the principles of ‘due process’ and ‘the rule of law’ are fundamental to the protection of human rights. At the centre of any legal system, therefore, ... -
Advancing the Right to Adequate Housing of Desperately Poor People: City of Johannesburg v. Rand Properties
(Human Rights Brief, 2006)Inadequate housing, the growth and overcrowding of informal settlements, and the occupation of private land and abandoned buildings are prevalent in South Africa. The result is that many of the country’s most vulnerable — ...