Now showing items 1-20 of 366

    • The death penalty in the Cape Provincial Division: 1986-1988 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen; Christina, Murray (South African Journal on Human Rights, 1989)
      This article presents the data that we collected in four tables. These are explained in the first section below. The second part of the article examines three issues that emerge from the data. First, we note the disparity ...
    • The scientific career of the zoologist Max Wilhelm Carl Weber (1852—1937) 

      Pieter, Florence F.J.M.; de Visser, Jaap (Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 1993)
      It is shown that the pinnacle of Max Weber’s scientific career was the organization and leadership of the Siboga Expedition to the former Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia)in the years 1899—1900. Before that time, as ...
    • Juvenile justice review 1994-1995 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 1995)
      This review of the state of juvenile justice in South Africa introduces a new section to this journal in which annual developments relating to law and policy in the field of juvenile justice will be examined. Juvenile ...
    • Juvenile justice review 1996 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 1996)
      This review follows the 1995 review, the first in this journal, and similarly reviews the period until 30 September 1996. In the year presently under review the principle focus of juvenile justice concern was yet again the ...
    • Juvenile justice review 1997 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 1998)
      The 1997 juvenile justice review charts developments in juvenile justice law in South Africa from November 1996 until October 1997. The most significant development during 1997 was the release of the issue paper on Juvenile ...
    • Prosecutorial attitudes towards diversion 

      Lukas, Muntingh (NICRO National Office, 1998)
      This report investigates a number of issues relating to diversion in an effort to make certain recommendations with regard to the running and management of diversion with a particular emphasis on the discretionary powers ...
    • Juvenile justice review 1998 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen; Lukas, Muntingh (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 1999)
      The 1998 Juvenile Justice Review charts developments in juvenile justice law and practice in South Africa from October 1997 until October 1998. However, the release of the South African Law Commission discussion paper on ...
    • Social Citizenship: A Precondition for Meaningful Democracy 

      Sandra, Liebenberg (Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, 1999)
      In 1959, the scholar, TH Marshall, analysed the historical development of those features that were vital to effective 'citizenship'. He viewed democratisation as a progression, spanning three centuries. Civil rights were ...
    • The Juvenile Justice Law Reform Process in South Africa: Can children's rights approach carry the day? 

      Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (Quarterly Law Review, 1999)
      The impetus for juvenile justice law reform sprang originally from concern for the plight of child detainees in the dark days of apartheid in the 1980s. Children, who were at the forefront of the struggle for democratic ...
    • NICRO diversion options 

      Lukas, Muntingh (National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of Offenders, 2000)
      Since 1994 South Africa has faced many challenges but none so widely experienced as crime. The day-to-day perceptions of living in South Africa are characterised by crime, violence and uncertainty. The criminal justice ...
    • Making law: A guide to municipal councils 

      Steytler, Nico; de Visser, Jaap; Mettler, Johann (Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, 2000)
      The first fully democratic municipal elections held on 5 December 2000 saw local government take its rightful place as the third sphere of government. Chapter seven of the Constitution has now come into full operation. ...
    • Roles and responsibilities of the municipal manager 

      de Visser, Jaap (Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, 2001)
      renaming and transformation of local government structures. Coping with the new designation is probably the least important of the changes for the municipal manager. One of the key challenges in this respect is defining ...
    • The emerging role of metropolitan cities in federations 

      Steytler, Nico (Forum of Federations, 2001)
      City-regions or large metropolitan cities are a rapidly growing phenomenon in developing countries. They are also seen as a key mechanism to the development and growth trajectories of those countries, particularly in the ...
    • Juvenile justice review 1999-2000 

      Lukas, Muntingh; Julia, Sloth-Nielsen (South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 2001)
      The two years covered in this review have seen major developments in the juvenile justice sphere. Not only have several important judicial decisions been handed down, but the process of law reform has advanced significantly ...
    • Federal arrangements as a peacemaking device during South Africa's transition to democracy 

      Steytler, Nico; Mettler, Johann (Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 2001-01-01)
      This article examines how federal arrangements were used during South Africa's transition to democracy to deal with the conflict posed by two important ethnic-based groupings: right-wing Afrikaners and Zulu nationalists. ...
    • South Africa's evolving jurisprudence on socio-economic rights: An effective tool in challenging poverty 

      Sandra, Liebenberg (Law, Democracy & Development, 2002)
      The drafters of the Constitution clearly envisaged a far-reaching role for it in the transformation of post-apartheid society.' Among the key aims of the Constitution is to "improve the quality of life of all citizens and ...
    • Universal access to social security rights: can a basic income grant meet the challenge? 

      Sandra, Liebenberg (ESR Review, 2002)
      Access to social assistance for those unable to support themselves and their dependants is a fundamental human right enshrined in the Constitution. In March this year, the Committee of Inquiry into a Comprehensive System ...
    • The courts and socio-economic rights: carving out a role 

      Sandra, Liebenberg (ESR Review, 2002)
      Although the jurisprudence on the socio-economic rights in the Bill of Rights is still in its infancy, the number of cases coming before the courts is gathering momentum. In particular, the Constitutional Court judgment ...
    • South Africa's Heart of Darkness: Sex crimes and child offenders: some trends 

      Redpath, Jean (South African Crime Quarterly, 2003)
      It is a source of great concern that the number of sexual offences committed by children is apparently on the increase. Given that the Child Justice Bill provides for a separate criminal justice process for children, and ...
    • District municipalities : giving effect to shared authority in local government 

      Steytler, Nico (Law, Democracy & Development, 2003-01)
      A new feature of local government outside metropolitan areas is the establishment of 47 district municipalities in December 2000. They share legislative and administrative powers with local municipalities in their area. ...